path: root/lib/views/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/views/')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/views/ b/lib/views/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fefce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/views/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+open Dream_html
+open HTML
+open Git_unix (* Import Git_unix for working with repositories *)
+let git_directory = Filename.concat (Unix.getenv "HOME") "git"
+let repo_path repo_name = Filename.concat git_directory repo_name
+let list_commits repo_name =
+ let repo_dir = repo_path repo_name in
+ if Sys.file_exists repo_dir && Sys.is_directory repo_dir then
+ let store = Store.v (Fpath.v repo_dir) |> Result.get_ok in
+ let head = Store.Head.get store |> Result.get_ok in
+ let rec read_commits commits acc =
+ match commits with
+ | [] -> acc
+ | hash :: rest ->
+ let commit = Store.read_commit store hash |> Result.get_ok in
+ let hash_str = Hash.to_hex hash in
+ let message = Commit.message commit in
+ let author = commit in
+ let date = commit in
+ let formatted_commit =
+ li []
+ [
+ txt (Printf.sprintf "%s - %s (%s)" hash_str message author);
+ txt (" on " ^ date);
+ ]
+ in
+ read_commits rest (formatted_commit :: acc)
+ in
+ let all_commits = Store.Commit.list store head in
+ ul [] (read_commits all_commits [])
+ else ul [] [ li [] [ txt "Error: Repository not found." ] ]
+(* Render the repository's commit list as HTML *)
+let render repo_name =
+ let commits = list_commits repo_name in
+ Layouts.application ~page_title:("Commits for " ^ repo_name) commits
Copyright 2019--2025 Marius PETER