path: root/init-custom.el
diff options
authorBlendoit <>2020-07-23 19:34:52 -0700
committerBlendoit <>2020-07-23 19:34:52 -0700
commit8dbeb1609c2e5511270b046c10fcaeed3b5b4555 (patch)
treea732045de20de795b00e42ab2d2638abe8beab31 /init-custom.el
parent6fc2d436a9d9a4e33e23bba67e9be7db8cc3bbdd (diff)
Dashboard and README!
Diffstat (limited to 'init-custom.el')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/init-custom.el b/init-custom.el
index 0011f89..beb4fe0 100644
--- a/init-custom.el
+++ b/init-custom.el
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+;;; init-custom.el --- Where Emacs saves gui-settable customizations.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
@@ -15,7 +21,7 @@
'(fci-rule-color "#383838")
'(ibuffer-sidebar-display-column-titles t)
'(ibuffer-sidebar-display-summary t)
- '(ibuffer-sidebar-width 22)
+ '(ibuffer-sidebar-width 18)
(("bal" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) bal")
@@ -27,11 +33,12 @@
("account" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) reg %(account)")
("budget" "%(binary) -f %(ledger-file) budget --exchange USD"))))
'(line-number-mode nil)
+ '(mixed-pitch-variable-pitch-cursor (quote bar))
("%e" mode-line-front-space mode-line-mule-info mode-line-client mode-line-modified mode-line-remote mode-line-frame-identification mode-line-buffer-identification " "
(vc-mode vc-mode)
- " " mode-line-modes mode-line-misc-info mode-line-end-spaces)))
+ " " mode-line-misc-info mode-line-end-spaces)))
("#CC9393" "#DFAF8F" "#F0DFAF" "#7F9F7F" "#BFEBBF" "#93E0E3" "#94BFF3" "#DC8CC3")))
@@ -94,11 +101,12 @@
("latexmk -pdf -f -interaction=nonstopmode -pdflatex=\"%latex\" -outdir=%o %f")))
+ '(org-latex-toc-command "\\tableofcontents\\clearpage")
'(org-startup-align-all-tables t)
'(org-time-stamp-custom-formats (quote ("%d %b, %Y (%a)" . "%d %b, %Y (%a), at %H:%M")))
- (minimap gnuplot ledger-mode company-mode wombat-theme wombar-theme which-key srefactor-lisp srefactor all-the-icons flycheck ibuffer-sidebar pdf-tools magit rainbow-delimiters smartparens mixed-pitch org-bullets use-package tabbar powerline ivy-hydra flatui-theme evil counsel company benchmark-init)))
+ (projectile minimap gnuplot ledger-mode company-mode wombat-theme wombar-theme which-key srefactor-lisp srefactor all-the-icons flycheck ibuffer-sidebar pdf-tools magit rainbow-delimiters smartparens mixed-pitch org-bullets use-package tabbar powerline ivy-hydra flatui-theme evil counsel company benchmark-init)))
'(pdf-view-midnight-colors (quote ("#DCDCCC" . "#383838")))
'(save-place-mode t)
'(send-mail-function (quote smtpmail-send-it))
@@ -132,7 +140,8 @@
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(default ((t (:family "Hack" :foundry "SRC" :slant normal :weight normal :height 142 :width normal))))
- '(fixed-pitch ((t (:family "Hack"))))
+ '(cursor ((t (:background "red"))))
+ '(fixed-pitch ((t (:family "Dejavu Serif"))))
'(org-document-title ((t (:inherit default :weight bold :font "Liberation Sans" :height 2.0 :underline nil))))
'(org-level-1 ((t (:inherit default :weight bold :font "Liberation Sans" :height 1.75))))
'(org-level-2 ((t (:inherit default :weight bold :font "Liberation Sans" :height 1.5))))
Copyright 2019--2024 Marius PETER