path: root/elpa/pdf-tools-20200512.1524/pdf-sync.el
diff options
authorBlendoit <>2020-08-01 15:24:03 -0700
committerBlendoit <>2020-08-01 15:24:03 -0700
commite47650852b8aa4da6d0b0cea3b5421955795cc64 (patch)
tree2535f7cc4fa4b5c25bbd46f9523da5944b76e201 /elpa/pdf-tools-20200512.1524/pdf-sync.el
parent374ae3de24187512adddf01a56e5eb52c79db65f (diff)
Definitely /not/ including elpa/, that would be chaos.
Diffstat (limited to 'elpa/pdf-tools-20200512.1524/pdf-sync.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 781 deletions
diff --git a/elpa/pdf-tools-20200512.1524/pdf-sync.el b/elpa/pdf-tools-20200512.1524/pdf-sync.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 54eb4fa..0000000
--- a/elpa/pdf-tools-20200512.1524/pdf-sync.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,781 +0,0 @@
-;;; pdf-sync.el --- Use synctex to correlate LaTeX-Sources with PDF positions. -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Andreas Politz
-;; Author: Andreas Politz <>
-;; Keywords: files, doc-view, pdf
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; The backward search uses a heuristic, which is pretty simple, but
-;; effective: It extracts the text around the click-position in the
-;; PDF, normalizes it's whitespace, deletes certain notorious
-;; character and translates certain other character into their latex
-;; equivalents. This transformed text is split into a series of
-;; token. A similar operation is performed on the source code around
-;; the position synctex points at. These two sequences of token are
-;; aligned with a standard sequence alignment algorithm, resulting in
-;; an alist of matched and unmatched tokens. This is then used to
-;; find the corresponding word from the PDF file in the LaTeX buffer.
-(require 'pdf-view)
-(require 'pdf-info)
-(require 'pdf-util)
-(require 'let-alist)
-;;; Code:
-(defgroup pdf-sync nil
- "Jump from TeX sources to PDF pages and back."
- :group 'pdf-tools)
-(defcustom pdf-sync-forward-display-pdf-key "C-c C-g"
- "Key to jump from a TeX buffer to it's PDF file.
-This key is added to `TeX-source-correlate-method', when
-command `pdf-sync-minor-mode' is activated and this map is defined."
- :group 'pdf-sync
- :type 'key-sequence)
- 'pdf-sync-forward-display-pdf-key
- "Bound in Auctex's to C-c C-v, if TeX-source-correlate-mode is activate." "1.0")
-(defcustom pdf-sync-backward-hook nil
- "Hook ran after going to a source location.
-The hook is run in the TeX buffer."
- :group 'pdf-sync
- :type 'hook
- :options '(pdf-sync-backward-beginning-of-word))
-(defcustom pdf-sync-forward-hook nil
- "Hook ran after displaying the PDF buffer.
-The hook is run in the PDF's buffer."
- :group 'pdf-sync
- :type 'hook)
-(defcustom pdf-sync-forward-display-action nil
- "Display action used when displaying PDF buffers."
- :group 'pdf-sync
- :type 'display-buffer--action-custom-type)
-(defcustom pdf-sync-backward-display-action nil
- "Display action used when displaying TeX buffers."
- :group 'pdf-sync
- :type 'display-buffer--action-custom-type)
-(defcustom pdf-sync-locate-synctex-file-functions nil
- "A list of functions for locating the synctex database.
-Each function on this hook should accept a single argument: The
-absolute path of a PDF file. It should return the absolute path
-of the corresponding synctex database or nil, if it was unable to
-locate it."
- :group 'pdf-sync
- :type 'hook)
-(defvar pdf-sync-minor-mode-map
- (let ((kmap (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (define-key kmap [double-mouse-1] 'pdf-sync-backward-search-mouse)
- (define-key kmap [C-mouse-1] 'pdf-sync-backward-search-mouse)
- kmap))
-(defcustom pdf-sync-backward-redirect-functions nil
- "List of functions which may redirect a backward search.
-Functions on this hook should accept three arguments, namely
-SOURCE, LINE and COLUMN, where SOURCE is the absolute filename of
-the source file and LINE and COLUMN denote the position in the
-file. COLUMN may be negative, meaning unspecified.
-These functions should either return nil, if no redirection is
-necessary. Or a list of the same structure, with some or all (or
-none) values modified.
-AUCTeX installs a function here which changes the backward search
-location for synthetic `TeX-region' files back to the equivalent
-position in the original tex file."
- :group 'pdf-sync
- :type '(repeat function))
-(define-minor-mode pdf-sync-minor-mode
- "Correlate a PDF position with the TeX file.
-This works via SyncTeX, which means the TeX sources need to have
-been compiled with `--synctex=1'. In AUCTeX this can be done by
-setting `TeX-source-correlate-method' to 'synctex \(before AUCTeX
-is loaded\) and enabling `TeX-source-correlate-mode'.
-Then \\[pdf-sync-backward-search-mouse] in the PDF buffer will open the
-corresponding TeX location.
-If AUCTeX is your preferred tex-mode, this library arranges to
-bind `pdf-sync-forward-display-pdf-key' \(the default is `C-c C-g'\)
-to `pdf-sync-forward-search' in `TeX-source-correlate-map'. This
-function displays the PDF page corresponding to the current
-position in the TeX buffer. This function only works together
-with AUCTeX."
- nil nil nil
- (pdf-util-assert-pdf-buffer))
-;; * ================================================================== *
-;; * Backward search (PDF -> TeX)
-;; * ================================================================== *
-(defcustom pdf-sync-backward-use-heuristic t
- "Whether to apply a heuristic when backward searching.
-If nil, just go where Synctex tells us. Otherwise try to find
-the exact location of the clicked-upon text in the PDF."
- :group 'pdf-sync
- :type 'boolean)
-(defcustom pdf-sync-backward-text-translations
- '((88 "X" "sum")
- (94 "textasciicircum")
- (126 "textasciitilde")
- (169 "copyright" "textcopyright")
- (172 "neg" "textlnot")
- (174 "textregistered" "textregistered")
- (176 "textdegree")
- (177 "pm" "textpm")
- (181 "upmu" "mu")
- (182 "mathparagraph" "textparagraph" "P" "textparagraph")
- (215 "times")
- (240 "eth" "dh")
- (915 "Upgamma" "Gamma")
- (920 "Uptheta" "Theta")
- (923 "Uplambda" "Lambda")
- (926 "Upxi" "Xi")
- (928 "Uppi" "Pi")
- (931 "Upsigma" "Sigma")
- (933 "Upupsilon" "Upsilon")
- (934 "Upphi" "Phi")
- (936 "Uppsi" "Psi")
- (945 "upalpha" "alpha")
- (946 "upbeta" "beta")
- (947 "upgamma" "gamma")
- (948 "updelta" "delta")
- (949 "upvarepsilon" "varepsilon")
- (950 "upzeta" "zeta")
- (951 "upeta" "eta")
- (952 "uptheta" "theta")
- (953 "upiota" "iota")
- (954 "upkappa" "varkappa" "kappa")
- (955 "uplambda" "lambda")
- (957 "upnu" "nu")
- (958 "upxi" "xi")
- (960 "uppi" "pi")
- (961 "upvarrho" "uprho" "rho")
- (962 "varsigma")
- (963 "upvarsigma" "upsigma" "sigma")
- (964 "uptau" "tau")
- (965 "upupsilon" "upsilon")
- (966 "upphi" "phi")
- (967 "upchi" "chi")
- (968 "uppsi" "psi")
- (969 "upomega" "omega")
- (977 "upvartheta" "vartheta")
- (981 "upvarphi" "varphi")
- (8224 "dagger")
- (8225 "ddagger")
- (8226 "bullet")
- (8486 "Upomega" "Omega")
- (8501 "aleph")
- (8592 "mapsfrom" "leftarrow")
- (8593 "uparrow")
- (8594 "to" "mapsto" "rightarrow")
- (8595 "downarrow")
- (8596 "leftrightarrow")
- (8656 "shortleftarrow" "Leftarrow")
- (8657 "Uparrow")
- (8658 "Mapsto" "rightrightarrows" "Rightarrow")
- (8659 "Downarrow")
- (8660 "Leftrightarrow")
- (8704 "forall")
- (8706 "partial")
- (8707 "exists")
- (8709 "varnothing" "emptyset")
- (8710 "Updelta" "Delta")
- (8711 "nabla")
- (8712 "in")
- (8722 "-")
- (8725 "setminus")
- (8727 "*")
- (8734 "infty")
- (8743 "wedge")
- (8744 "vee")
- (8745 "cap")
- (8746 "cup")
- (8756 "therefore")
- (8757 "because")
- (8764 "thicksim" "sim")
- (8776 "thickapprox" "approx")
- (8801 "equiv")
- (8804 "leq")
- (8805 "geq")
- (8810 "lll")
- (8811 "ggg")
- (8814 "nless")
- (8815 "ngtr")
- (8822 "lessgtr")
- (8823 "gtrless")
- (8826 "prec")
- (8832 "nprec")
- (8834 "subset")
- (8835 "supset")
- (8838 "subseteq")
- (8839 "supseteq")
- (8853 "oplus")
- (8855 "otimes")
- (8869 "bot" "perp")
- (9702 "circ")
- (9792 "female" "venus")
- (9793 "earth")
- (9794 "male" "mars")
- (9824 "spadesuit")
- (9827 "clubsuit")
- (9829 "heartsuit")
- (9830 "diamondsuit"))
- "Alist mapping PDF character to a list of LaTeX macro names.
-Adding a character here with it's LaTeX equivalent names allows
-the heuristic backward search to find it's location in the source
-file. These strings should not match
-Has no effect if `pdf-sync-backward-use-heuristic' is nil."
- :group 'pdf-sync
- :type '(alist :key-type character
- :value-type (repeat string)))
-(defconst pdf-sync-backward-text-flush-regexp
- "[][.ยท{}|\\]\\|\\C.\\|-\n+"
- "Regexp of ignored text when backward searching.")
-(defconst pdf-sync-backward-source-flush-regexp
- "\\(?:\\\\\\(?:begin\\|end\\|\\(?:eq\\)?ref\\|label\\|cite\\){[^}]*}\\)\\|[][\\&{}$_]"
- "Regexp of ignored source when backward searching.")
-(defconst pdf-sync-backward-context-limit 64
- "Number of character to include in the backward search.")
-(defun pdf-sync-backward-search-mouse (ev)
- "Go to the source corresponding to position at event EV."
- (interactive "@e")
- (let* ((posn (event-start ev))
- (image (posn-image posn))
- (xy (posn-object-x-y posn)))
- (unless image
- (error "Outside of image area"))
- (pdf-sync-backward-search (car xy) (cdr xy))))
-(defun pdf-sync-backward-search (x y)
- "Go to the source corresponding to image coordinates X, Y.
-Try to find the exact position, if
-`pdf-sync-backward-use-heuristic' is non-nil."
- (cl-destructuring-bind (source finder)
- (pdf-sync-backward-correlate x y)
- (pop-to-buffer (or (find-buffer-visiting source)
- (find-file-noselect source))
- pdf-sync-backward-display-action)
- (push-mark)
- (funcall finder)
- (run-hooks 'pdf-sync-backward-hook)))
-(defun pdf-sync-backward-correlate (x y)
- "Find the source corresponding to image coordinates X, Y.
-Returns a list \(SOURCE FINDER\), where SOURCE is the name of the
-TeX file and FINDER a function of zero arguments which, when
-called in the buffer of the aforementioned file, will try to move
-point to the correct position."
- (pdf-util-assert-pdf-window)
- (let ((size (pdf-view-image-size))
- (page (pdf-view-current-page)))
- (setq x (/ x (float (car size)))
- y (/ y (float (cdr size))))
- (let-alist (pdf-info-synctex-backward-search page x y)
- (let ((data (list (expand-file-name .filename)
- .line .column)))
- (cl-destructuring-bind (source line column)
- (or (save-selected-window
- (apply 'run-hook-with-args-until-success
- 'pdf-sync-backward-redirect-functions data))
- data)
- (list source
- (if (not pdf-sync-backward-use-heuristic)
- (lambda nil
- (pdf-util-goto-position line column))
- (let ((context (pdf-sync-backward--get-text-context page x y)))
- (lambda nil
- (pdf-sync-backward--find-position line column context))))))))))
-(defun pdf-sync-backward--find-position (line column context)
- (pdf-util-goto-position line column)
- (cl-destructuring-bind (windex chindex words)
- context
- (let* ((swords (pdf-sync-backward--get-source-context
- nil (* 6 pdf-sync-backward-context-limit)))
- (similarity-fn (lambda (text source)
- (if (if (consp text)
- (member source text)
- (equal text source))
- 1024 -1024)))
- (alignment
- (pdf-util-seq-alignment
- words swords similarity-fn 'infix)))
- (setq alignment (cl-remove-if-not 'car (cdr alignment)))
- (cl-assert (< windex (length alignment)))
- (let ((word (cdr (nth windex alignment))))
- (unless word
- (setq chindex 0
- word (cdr (nth (1+ windex) alignment))))
- (unless word
- (setq word (cdr (nth (1- windex) alignment))
- chindex (length word)))
- (when word
- (cl-assert (get-text-property 0 'position word) t)
- (goto-char (get-text-property 0 'position word))
- (forward-char chindex))))))
-(defun pdf-sync-backward--get-source-context (&optional position limit)
- (save-excursion
- (when position (goto-char position))
- (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
- (let* ((region
- (cond
- ((eq limit 'line)
- (cons (line-beginning-position)
- (line-end-position)))
- ;; Synctex usually jumps to the end macro, in case it
- ;; does not understand the environment.
- ((and (fboundp 'LaTeX-find-matching-begin)
- (looking-at " *\\\\\\(end\\){"))
- (cons (or (ignore-errors
- (save-excursion
- (LaTeX-find-matching-begin)
- (forward-line 1)
- (point)))
- (point))
- (point)))
- ((and (fboundp 'LaTeX-find-matching-end)
- (looking-at " *\\\\\\(begin\\){"))
- (goto-char (line-end-position))
- (cons (point)
- (or (ignore-errors
- (save-excursion
- (LaTeX-find-matching-end)
- (forward-line 0)
- (point)))
- (point))))
- (t (cons (point) (point)))))
- (begin (car region))
- (end (cdr region)))
- (when (numberp limit)
- (let ((delta (- limit (- end begin))))
- (when (> delta 0)
- (setq begin (max (point-min)
- (- begin (/ delta 2)))
- end (min (point-max)
- (+ end (/ delta 2)))))))
- (let ((string (buffer-substring-no-properties begin end)))
- (dotimes (i (length string))
- (put-text-property i (1+ i) 'position (+ begin i) string))
- (nth 2 (pdf-sync-backward--tokenize
- (pdf-sync-backward--source-strip-comments string)
- nil
- pdf-sync-backward-source-flush-regexp))))))
-(defun pdf-sync-backward--source-strip-comments (string)
- "Strip all standard LaTeX comments from string."
- (with-temp-buffer
- (save-excursion (insert string))
- (while (re-search-forward
- "^\\(?:[^\\\n]\\|\\(?:\\\\\\\\\\)\\)*\\(%.*\\)" nil t)
- (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
- (buffer-string)))
-(defun pdf-sync-backward--get-text-context (page x y)
- (cl-destructuring-bind (&optional char edges)
- (car (pdf-info-charlayout page (cons x y)))
- (when edges
- (setq x (nth 0 edges)
- y (nth 1 edges)))
- (let* ((prefix (pdf-info-gettext page (list 0 0 x y)))
- (suffix (pdf-info-gettext page (list x y 1 1)))
- (need-suffix-space-p (memq char '(?\s ?\n)))
- ;; Figure out whether we missed a space by matching the
- ;; prefix's suffix with the line's prefix. Due to the text
- ;; extraction in poppler, spaces are only inserted in
- ;; between words. This test may fail, if prefix and line
- ;; do not overlap, which may happen in various cases, but
- ;; we don't care.
- (need-prefix-space-p
- (and (not need-suffix-space-p)
- (memq
- (ignore-errors
- (aref (pdf-info-gettext page (list x y x y) 'line)
- (- (length prefix)
- (or (cl-position ?\n prefix :from-end t)
- -1)
- 1)))
- '(?\s ?\n)))))
- (setq prefix
- (concat
- (substring
- prefix (max 0 (min (1- (length prefix))
- (- (length prefix)
- pdf-sync-backward-context-limit))))
- (if need-prefix-space-p " "))
- suffix
- (concat
- (if need-suffix-space-p " ")
- (substring
- suffix 0 (max 0 (min (1- (length suffix))
- pdf-sync-backward-context-limit)))))
- (pdf-sync-backward--tokenize
- prefix suffix
- pdf-sync-backward-text-flush-regexp
- pdf-sync-backward-text-translations))))
-(defun pdf-sync-backward--tokenize (prefix &optional suffix flush-re translation)
- (with-temp-buffer
- (when prefix (insert prefix))
- (let* ((center (copy-marker (point)))
- (case-fold-search nil))
- (when suffix (insert suffix))
- (goto-char 1)
- ;; Delete ignored text.
- (when flush-re
- (save-excursion
- (while (re-search-forward flush-re nil t)
- (replace-match " " t t))))
- ;; Normalize whitespace.
- (save-excursion
- (while (re-search-forward "[ \t\f\n]+" nil t)
- (replace-match " " t t)))
- ;; Split words and non-words
- (save-excursion
- (while (re-search-forward "[^ ]\\b\\|[^ [:alnum:]]" nil t)
- (insert-before-markers " ")))
- ;; Replace character
- (let ((translate
- (lambda (string)
- (or (and (= (length string) 1)
- (cdr (assq (aref string 0)
- translation)))
- string)))
- words
- (windex -1)
- (chindex 0))
- (skip-chars-forward " ")
- (while (and (not (eobp))
- (<= (point) center))
- (cl-incf windex)
- (skip-chars-forward "^ ")
- (skip-chars-forward " "))
- (goto-char center)
- (when (eq ?\s (char-after))
- (skip-chars-backward " "))
- (setq chindex (- (skip-chars-backward "^ ")))
- (setq words (split-string (buffer-string)))
- (when translation
- (setq words (mapcar translate words)))
- (list windex chindex words)))))
-(defun pdf-sync-backward-beginning-of-word ()
- "Maybe move to the beginning of the word.
-Don't move if already at the beginning, or if not at a word
-This function is meant to be put on `pdf-sync-backward-hook', when
-word-level searching is desired."
- (interactive)
- (unless (or (looking-at "\\b\\w")
- (not (looking-back "\\w" (1- (point)))))
- (backward-word)))
-;; * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
-;; * Debugging backward search
-;; * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
-(defvar pdf-sync-backward-debug-trace nil)
-(defun pdf-sync-backward-debug-wrapper (fn-symbol fn &rest args)
- (cond
- ((eq fn-symbol 'pdf-sync-backward-search)
- (setq pdf-sync-backward-debug-trace nil)
- (apply fn args))
- (t
- (let ((retval (apply fn args)))
- (push `(,args . ,retval)
- pdf-sync-backward-debug-trace)
- retval))))
-(define-minor-mode pdf-sync-backward-debug-minor-mode
- "Aid in debugging the backward search."
- nil nil nil
- (if (and (fboundp 'advice-add)
- (fboundp 'advice-remove))
- (let ((functions
- '(pdf-sync-backward-search
- pdf-sync-backward--tokenize
- pdf-util-seq-alignment)))
- (cond
- (pdf-sync-backward-debug-minor-mode
- (dolist (fn functions)
- (advice-add fn :around (apply-partially 'pdf-sync-backward-debug-wrapper
- fn)
- `((name . ,(format "%s-debug" fn))))))
- (t
- (dolist (fn functions)
- (advice-remove fn (format "%s-debug" fn))))))
- (error "Need Emacs version >= 24.4")))
-(defun pdf-sync-backward-debug-explain ()
- "Explain the last backward search.
-Needs to have `pdf-sync-backward-debug-minor-mode' enabled."
- (interactive)
- (unless pdf-sync-backward-debug-trace
- (error "No last search or `pdf-sync-backward-debug-minor-mode' not enabled."))
- (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*pdf-sync-backward trace*")
- (cl-destructuring-bind (text source alignment &rest ignored)
- (reverse pdf-sync-backward-debug-trace)
- (let* ((fill-column 68)
- (sep (format "\n%s\n" (make-string fill-column ?-)))
- (highlight '(:background "chartreuse" :foreground "black"))
- (or-sep "|")
- (inhibit-read-only t)
- (windex (nth 0 (cdr text)))
- (chindex (nth 1 (cdr text))))
- (erase-buffer)
- (font-lock-mode -1)
- (view-mode 1)
- (insert (propertize "Text Raw:" 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face))
- (insert sep)
- (insert (nth 0 (car text)))
- (insert (propertize "<|>" 'face highlight))
- (insert (nth 1 (car text)))
- (insert sep)
- (insert (propertize "Text Token:" 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face))
- (insert sep)
- (fill-region (point)
- (progn
- (insert
- (mapconcat (lambda (elt)
- (if (consp elt)
- (mapconcat 'identity elt or-sep)
- elt))
- (nth 2 (cdr text)) " "))
- (point)))
- (insert sep)
- (insert (propertize "Source Raw:" 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face))
- (insert sep)
- (insert (nth 0 (car source)))
- (insert sep)
- (insert (propertize "Source Token:" 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face))
- (insert sep)
- (fill-region (point)
- (progn (insert (mapconcat 'identity (nth 2 (cdr source)) " "))
- (point)))
- (insert sep)
- (insert (propertize "Alignment:" 'face 'font-lock-keyword-face))
- (insert (format " (windex=%d, chindex=%d" windex chindex))
- (insert sep)
- (save-excursion (newline 2))
- (let ((column 0)
- (index 0))
- (dolist (a (cdr (cdr alignment)))
- (let* ((source (cdr a))
- (text (if (consp (car a))
- (mapconcat 'identity (car a) or-sep)
- (car a)))
- (extend (max (length text)
- (length source))))
- (when (and (not (bolp))
- (> (+ column extend)
- fill-column))
- (forward-line 2)
- (newline 3)
- (forward-line -2)
- (setq column 0))
- (when text
- (insert (propertize text 'face
- (if (= index windex)
- highlight
- (if source 'match
- 'lazy-highlight)))))
- (move-to-column (+ column extend) t)
- (insert " ")
- (save-excursion
- (forward-line)
- (move-to-column column t)
- (when source
- (insert (propertize source 'face (if text
- 'match
- 'lazy-highlight))))
- (move-to-column (+ column extend) t)
- (insert " "))
- (cl-incf column (+ 1 extend))
- (when text (cl-incf index)))))
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (insert sep)
- (goto-char 1)
- (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))))))
-;; * ================================================================== *
-;; * Forward search (TeX -> PDF)
-;; * ================================================================== *
-(defun pdf-sync-forward-search (&optional line column)
- "Display the PDF location corresponding to LINE, COLUMN."
- (interactive)
- (cl-destructuring-bind (pdf page _x1 y1 _x2 _y2)
- (pdf-sync-forward-correlate line column)
- (let ((buffer (or (find-buffer-visiting pdf)
- (find-file-noselect pdf))))
- (with-selected-window (display-buffer
- buffer pdf-sync-forward-display-action)
- (pdf-util-assert-pdf-window)
- (when page
- (pdf-view-goto-page page)
- (when y1
- (let ((top (* y1 (cdr (pdf-view-image-size)))))
- (pdf-util-tooltip-arrow (round top))))))
- (with-current-buffer buffer
- (run-hooks 'pdf-sync-forward-hook)))))
-(defun pdf-sync-forward-correlate (&optional line column)
- "Find the PDF location corresponding to LINE, COLUMN.
-Returns a list \(PDF PAGE X1 Y1 X2 Y2\), where PAGE, X1, Y1, X2
-and Y2 may be nil, if the destination could not be found."
- (unless (fboundp 'TeX-master-file)
- (error "This function works only with AUCTeX"))
- (unless line (setq line (line-number-at-pos)))
- (unless column (setq column (current-column)))
- (let* ((pdf (expand-file-name
- (with-no-warnings (TeX-master-file "pdf"))))
- (sfilename (pdf-sync-synctex-file-name
- (buffer-file-name) pdf)))
- (cons pdf
- (condition-case error
- (let-alist (pdf-info-synctex-forward-search
- (or sfilename
- (buffer-file-name))
- line column pdf)
- (cons .page .edges))
- (error
- (message "%s" (error-message-string error))
- (list nil nil nil nil nil))))))
-;; * ================================================================== *
-;; * Dealing with synctex files.
-;; * ================================================================== *
-(defun pdf-sync-locate-synctex-file (pdffile)
- "Locate the synctex database corresponding to PDFFILE.
-Returns either the absolute path of the database or nil.
-See also `pdf-sync-locate-synctex-file-functions'."
- (cl-check-type pdffile string)
- (setq pdffile (expand-file-name pdffile))
- (or (run-hook-with-args-until-success
- 'pdf-sync-locate-synctex-file-functions pdffile)
- (pdf-sync-locate-synctex-file-default pdffile)))
-(defun pdf-sync-locate-synctex-file-default (pdffile)
- "The default function for locating a synctex database for PDFFILE.
-See also `pdf-sync-locate-synctex-file'."
- (let ((default-directory
- (file-name-directory pdffile))
- (basename (file-name-sans-extension
- (file-name-nondirectory pdffile))))
- (cl-labels ((file-if-exists-p (file)
- (and (file-exists-p file)
- file)))
- (or (file-if-exists-p
- (expand-file-name (concat basename ".synctex.gz")))
- (file-if-exists-p
- (expand-file-name (concat basename ".synctex")))
- ;; Some pdftex quote the basename.
- (file-if-exists-p
- (expand-file-name (concat "\"" basename "\"" ".synctex.gz")))
- (file-if-exists-p
- (expand-file-name (concat "\"" basename "\"" ".synctex")))))))
-(defun pdf-sync-synctex-file-name (filename pdffile)
- "Find SyncTeX filename corresponding to FILENAME in the context of PDFFILE.
-This function consults the synctex.gz database of PDFFILE and
-searches for a filename, which is `file-equal-p' to FILENAME.
-The first such filename is returned, or nil if none was found."
- (when (file-exists-p filename)
- (setq filename (expand-file-name filename))
- (let* ((synctex (pdf-sync-locate-synctex-file pdffile))
- (basename (file-name-nondirectory filename))
- (regexp (format "^ *Input *: *[^:\n]+ *:\\(.*%s\\)$"
- (regexp-quote basename)))
- (jka-compr-verbose nil))
- (when (and synctex
- (file-readable-p synctex))
- (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect synctex :nowarn)
- (unless (or (verify-visited-file-modtime)
- (buffer-modified-p))
- (revert-buffer :ignore-auto :noconfirm)
- (goto-char (point-min)))
- ;; Keep point in front of the found filename. It will
- ;; probably be queried for again next time.
- (let ((beg (point))
- (end (point-max)))
- (catch 'found
- (dotimes (_x 2)
- (while (re-search-forward regexp end t)
- (let ((syncname (match-string-no-properties 1)))
- (when (and (file-exists-p syncname)
- (file-equal-p filename syncname))
- (goto-char (point-at-bol))
- (throw 'found syncname))))
- (setq end beg
- beg (point-min))
- (goto-char beg)))))))))
-(provide 'pdf-sync)
-;;; pdf-sync.el ends here
Copyright 2019--2024 Marius PETER