path: root/elpa/pdf-tools-20200512.1524/README
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+#+AUTHOR: Andreas Politz
+** About this package
+ PDF Tools is, among other things, a replacement of DocView for PDF
+ files. The key difference is that pages are not pre-rendered by
+ e.g. ghostscript and stored in the file-system, but rather created
+ on-demand and stored in memory.
+ This rendering is performed by a special library named, for
+ whatever reason, poppler, running inside a server program. This
+ program is called ~epdfinfo~ and its job is to successively
+ read requests from Emacs and produce the proper results, i.e. the
+ PNG image of a PDF page.
+ Actually, displaying PDF files is just one part of PDF Tools.
+ Since poppler can provide us with all kinds of information about a
+ document and is also able to modify it, there is a lot more we can
+ do with it. [[][Watch]]
+ Please read also about [[#known-problems][known problems.]]
+** Features
+ + View :: View PDF documents in a buffer with DocView-like
+ bindings.
+ + Isearch :: Interactively search PDF documents like any other
+ buffer, either for a string or a PCRE.
+ + Occur :: List lines matching a string or regexp in one or more
+ PDF documents.
+ + Follow ::
+ Click on highlighted links, moving to some part of a different
+ page, some external file, a website or any other URI. Links may
+ also be followed by keyboard commands.
+ + Annotations :: Display and list text and markup annotations (like
+ underline), edit their contents and attributes
+ (e.g. color), move them around, delete them or
+ create new ones and then save the modifications
+ back to the PDF file.
+ + Attachments :: Save files attached to the PDF-file or list them
+ in a dired buffer.
+ + Outline :: Use imenu or a special buffer to examine and navigate
+ the PDF's outline.
+ + SyncTeX :: Jump from a position on a page directly to the TeX
+ source and vice versa.
+ + Virtual ::
+ Use a collection of documents as if it were one, big single PDF.
+ + Misc ::
+ - Display PDF's metadata.
+ - Mark a region and kill the text from the PDF.
+ - Keep track of visited pages via a history.
+ - Apply a color filter for reading in low light conditions.
+** Installation
+ The package may be installed via melpa and it will try to build the
+ server part when it is activated the first time. Though the next
+ section regarding build-prerequisites is still relevant, the rest
+ of the installation instructions assume a build from within a git
+ repository. (The melpa package has a different directory
+ structure.)
+*** Server Prerequisites
+ You'll need GNU Emacs \ge 24.3 and some form of a GNU/Linux OS.
+ Other operating systems are currently not supported (patches
+ welcome). The following instructions assume a Debian-based
+ system. (The prerequisites may be installed automatically on this
+ kind of systems, see [[#compilation][Compilation]] .)
+ First make sure a suitable build-system is installed. We need at
+ least a C/C++ compiler (both ~gcc~ and ~g++~), ~make~, ~automake~
+ and ~autoconf~.
+ Next we need to install a few libraries PDF Tools depends on, some
+ of which are probably already on your system.
+#+begin_src sh
+ $ sudo aptitude install libpng-dev zlib1g-dev
+ $ sudo aptitude install libpoppler-glib-dev
+ $ sudo aptitude install libpoppler-private-dev
+ On some older Ubuntu systems, the final command will possibly give
+ an error. This should be no problem, since in some versions this
+ package was contained in the main package ~libpoppler-dev~. Also
+ note, that ~zlib1g-dev~ was for a long time called ~libz-dev~,
+ which it still may be on your system.
+ Debian wheezy comes with libpoppler version 0.18, which is pretty
+ old. The minimally required version is 0.16, but some features of
+ PDF Tools depend on a more recent version of this library. See
+ the following table for what they are and what version they
+ require.
+ | You want to ... | Required version |
+ |-------------------------------------------+------------------|
+ | ... create and modify text annotations. | \ge 0.19.4 |
+ | ... search case-sensitive. | \ge 0.22 |
+ | ... create and modify markup annotations. | \ge 0.26 |
+ |-------------------------------------------+------------------|
+ In case you decide to install libpoppler from source, make sure
+ to run its configure script with the ~--enable-xpdf-headers~
+ option.
+ Finally there is one feature (following links of a PDF document by
+ plain keystrokes) which requires imagemagick's convert utility.
+ This requirement is optional and you may install it like so:
+#+begin_src sh
+ $ sudo aptitude install imagemagick
+**** Compiling on OS X
+ Although OS X is not officially supported, it has been reported
+ to have been successfully compiled. You will need to install
+ poppler which you can get with homebrew via
+ $ brew install poppler automake
+ You will also have to help ~pkg-config~ find some libraries by
+ setting ~PKG_CONFIG_PATH~, e.g.
+ $ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/zlib/1.2.8/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig
+ or likewise within Emacs using `setenv`.
+ After that, compilation should proceed as normal.
+**** FreeBSD
+ Although not officially supported, it has been reported that
+ pdf-tools work well on FreeBSD. Instead of building pdf-tools, you
+ can install one of the OS packages with, e.g.
+ $ pkg install pdf-tools-emacs26
+ To see the current list of pdf-tools packages for FreeBSD visit
+ [[][the Repology list]].
+ To build pdf-tools from either melpa or directly from the source
+ repository, install the dependencies with
+ $ pkg install autotools gmake poppler-glib
+ If you choose not to install from melpa, you must substitute
+ ~gmake~ for ~make~ in the instructions below.
+**** Compiling on Centos
+ It is possible to compile pdf-tools on Centos. Install poppler the dependencies with:
+ $ yum install poppler-devel poppler-glib-devel
+**** Compiling on Fedora
+ $ sudo dnf install make automake autoconf gcc gcc-c++ ImageMagick libpng-devel zlib-devel poppler-glib-devel
+**** Compiling on Alpine Linux
+ $ apk add build-base g++ gcc automake autoconf libpng-dev glib-dev poppler-dev
+**** Compiling on Windows
+ PDF Tools can be built and used on Windows using the MSYS2
+ compiler. This will work with native (not cygwin) Windows builds of
+ emacs. This includes the standard binaries provided by the GNU
+ project, those available as MSYS2 packages and numerous third-party
+ binaries. It has been tested with emacs 25.1. Instructions are
+ provided under [[#compilation-and-installation-on-windows][Compilation and installation on Windows]], below.
+ PDF Tools will successfully compile using Cygwin, but it will not be
+ able to open PDFs properly due to the way binaries compiled with Cygwin
+ handle file paths.
+*** Compilation
+ :CUSTOM_ID: compilation
+ :END:
+ Now it's time to compile the source.
+#+begin_src sh
+ $ cd /path/to/pdf-tools
+ $ make install-server-deps # optional
+ $ make -s
+ The ~make install-server-deps~ command will try to install all
+ necessary programs and libraries to build the package, though
+ it'll only work, if ~sudo~ and ~apt-get~ are available.
+ This should compile the source code and create a Emacs Lisp
+ Package in the root directory of the project. The configure script
+ also tells you at the very end, which features, depending on the
+ libpoppler version, will be available. These commands should give
+ no error, otherwise you are in trouble.
+**** Compilation and installation on Windows
+ If using the GNU binaries for Windows, support for PNG and zlib
+ must first be installed by copying the appropriate dlls into
+ emacs' ~bin/~ directory. Most third-party binaries come with this
+ already done.
+ First, install [[][install MSYS2]] and update
+ the package database and core packages using the instructions
+ provided. Then, to compile PDF tools itself:
+ 1. Open msys2 shell
+ 2. Update and install dependencies, skipping any you already have
+ #+BEGIN_SRC sh
+ $ pacman -Syu
+ $ pacman -S base-devel
+ $ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
+ $ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-zlib
+ $ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-libpng
+ $ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-poppler
+ $ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-imagemagick
+ 3. Install PDF tools in Emacs, but do not try to compile the
+ server. Instead, get a separate copy of the source somewhere
+ else.
+ #+BEGIN_SRC sh
+ $ git clone
+ 4. Open mingw64 shell (*Note:* You must use mingw64.exe and not msys2.exe)
+ 5. Compile pdf-tools
+ #+BEGIN_SRC sh
+ $ cd /path/to/pdf-tools
+ $ make -s
+ 6. This should produce a file ~server/epdfinfo.exe~. Copy this file
+ into the ~pdf-tools/~ installation directory in your Emacs.
+ 7. Start Emacs and activate the package.
+ M-x pdf-tools-install RET
+ 8. Test.
+ M-x pdf-info-check-epdfinfo RET
+ If this is successful, ~(pdf-tools-install)~ can be added to Emacs'
+ config. Note that libraries from other GNU utilities, such as Git
+ for Windows, may interfere with those needed by PDF Tools.
+ ~pdf-info-check-epdinfo~ will succeed, but errors occur when trying
+ to view a PDF file. This can be fixed by ensuring that the MSYS
+ libraries are always preferred in emacs:
+ #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (setenv "PATH" (concat "C:\\msys64\\mingw64\\bin;" (getenv "PATH")))
+*** ELisp Prerequisites
+ This package depends on the following Elisp packages, which should
+ be installed before installing the Pdf Tools package.
+ | Package | Required version |
+ |-----------+----------------------------------|
+ | [[][let-alist]] | >= 1.0.4 (comes with Emacs 25.2) |
+ | [[][tablist]] | >= 0.70 |
+ |-----------+----------------------------------|
+*** Installing
+ If ~make~ produced the ELP file ~pdf-tools-${VERSION}.tar~ you are
+ fine. This package contains all the necessary files for Emacs
+ and may be installed by either using
+#+begin_src sh
+ $ make install-package
+ or executing the Emacs command
+#+begin_src elisp
+ M-x package-install-file RET pdf-tools-${VERSION}.tar RET
+ To complete the installation process, you need to activate the
+ package by putting
+#+begin_src elisp
+ (pdf-tools-install)
+ somewhere in your ~.emacs~. Alternatively, and if you care about
+ start-up time, you may want to use
+#+begin_src elisp
+ (pdf-loader-install)
+ instead. Next you probably want to take a look at the various
+ features of what you've just installed. The following two commands
+ might be of help for doing so.
+#+begin_src elisp
+ M-x pdf-tools-help RET
+ M-x pdf-tools-customize RET
+*** Updating
+ Some day you might want to update this package via ~git pull~ and
+ then reinstall it. Sometimes this may fail, especially if
+ Lisp-Macros are involved and the version hasn't changed. To avoid
+ this kind of problems, you should delete the old package via
+ ~list-packages~, restart Emacs and then reinstall the package.
+ This also applies when updating via package and melpa.
+** Known problems
+ :CUSTOM_ID: known-problems
+ :END:
+*** linum-mode
+ PDF Tools does not work well together with ~linum-mode~ and
+ activating it in a ~pdf-view-mode~, e.g. via ~global-linum-mode~,
+ might make Emacs choke.
+*** auto-revert
+ Autorevert works by polling the file-system every
+ ~auto-revert-interval~ seconds, optionally combined with some
+ event-based reverting via [[][file notification]]. But this currently
+ does not work reliably, such that Emacs may revert the PDF-buffer
+ while the corresponding file is still being written to (e.g. by
+ LaTeX), leading to a potential error.
+ With a recent [[][auctex]] installation, you might want to put the
+ following somewhere in your dotemacs, which will revert the PDF-buffer
+ *after* the TeX compilation has finished.
+#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
+ (add-hook 'TeX-after-compilation-finished-functions #'TeX-revert-document-buffer)
+** Some keybindings
+| Navigation | |
+| Scroll Up / Down by page-full | ~space~ / ~backspace~ |
+| Scroll Up / Down by line | ~C-n~ / ~C-p~ |
+| Scroll Right / Left | ~C-f~ / ~C-b~ |
+| Top of Page / Bottom of Page | ~<~ / ~>~ |
+| Next Page / Previous Page | ~n~ / ~p~ |
+| First Page / Last Page | ~M-<~ / ~M->~ |
+| Incremental Search Forward / Backward | ~C-s~ / ~C-r~ |
+| Occur (list all lines containing a phrase) | ~M-s o~ |
+| Jump to Occur Line | ~RETURN~ |
+| Pick a Link and Jump | ~F~ |
+| Incremental Search in Links | ~f~ |
+| History Back / Forwards | ~B~ / ~N~ |
+| Display Outline | ~o~ |
+| Jump to Section from Outline | ~RETURN~ |
+| Jump to Page | ~M-g g~ |
+| Display | |
+| Zoom in / Zoom out | ~+~ / ~-~ |
+| Fit Height / Fit Width / Fit Page | ~H~ / ~W~ / ~P~ |
+| Trim margins (set slice to bounding box) | ~s b~ |
+| Reset margins | ~s r~ |
+| Reset Zoom | 0 |
+| Annotations | |
+| List Annotations | ~C-c C-a l~ |
+| Jump to Annotations from List | ~SPACE~ |
+| Mark Annotation for Deletion | ~d~ |
+| Delete Marked Annotations | ~x~ |
+| Unmark Annotations | ~u~ |
+| Close Annotation List | ~q~ |
+| Add and edit annotations | via Mouse selection and left-click context menu |
+| Syncing with Auctex | |
+| jump to PDF location from source | ~C-c C-g~ |
+| jump source location from PDF | ~C-mouse-1~ |
+| Miscellaneous | |
+| Refresh File (e.g., after recompiling source) | ~g~ |
+| Print File | ~C-c C-p~ |
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: org
+# End:
Copyright 2019--2024 Marius PETER