path: root/elpa/evil-20200718.842/
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-This is, produced by makeinfo version 6.5 from evil.texi.
- Evil 1.14.0, Mar 04, 2020
- Eivind Fonn, Frank Fischer, Vegard Øye
- Copyright © 2011-2019, Eivind Fonn, Frank Fischer, Vegard Øye
-* evil: ( Extensible vi layer for Emacs
- Generated by Sphinx 2.4.3.
-File:, Node: Top, Next: Overview, Up: (dir)
-Evil documentation
- Evil 1.14.0, Mar 04, 2020
- Eivind Fonn, Frank Fischer, Vegard Øye
- Copyright © 2011-2019, Eivind Fonn, Frank Fischer, Vegard Øye
-* Menu:
-* Overview::
-* Settings::
-* Keymaps::
-* Hooks::
-* Extension::
-* Frequently Asked Questions::
-* Internals::
-* The GNU Free Documentation License::
-* Emacs lisp functions and variables::
- — The Detailed Node Listing —
-* Installation via package.el: Installation via package el.
-* Manual installation::
-* Modes and states::
-* The initial state::
-* Keybindings and other behaviour::
-* Search::
-* Indentation::
-* Cursor movement::
-* Cursor display::
-* Window management::
-* Parenthesis highlighting::
-* Miscellaneous::
-* evil-define-key::
-* Leader keys::
-* Motions::
-* Operators::
-* Text objects::
-* Range types::
-* States::
-Frequently Asked Questions
-* Problems with the escape key in the terminal::
-* Underscore is not a word character::
-* Command properties::
-File:, Node: Overview, Next: Settings, Prev: Top, Up: Top
-1 Overview
-Evil is an extensible vi layer for Emacs. It emulates the main features
-of Vim, (1) turning Emacs into a modal editor. Like Emacs in general,
-Evil is extensible in Emacs Lisp.
-* Menu:
-* Installation via package.el: Installation via package el.
-* Manual installation::
-* Modes and states::
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) (1) Vim is the most popular version of `vi', a modal text editor
-with many implementations. Vim also adds some functions of its own,
-like visual selection and text objects. For more information see the
-official Vim website (
-File:, Node: Installation via package el, Next: Manual installation, Up: Overview
-1.1 Installation via package.el
-Evil is available as a package from MELPA stable and MELPA unstable.
-This is the recommended way of installing Evil.
-To set up ‘package.el’ to work with one of these repositories, you can
-follow the instructions on
-Once that is done, you can execute the following commands:
- M-x package-refresh-contents
- M-x package-install RET evil RET
-Finally, add the following lines to your Emacs init file:
- (require 'evil)
- (evil-mode 1)
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1)
-File:, Node: Manual installation, Next: Modes and states, Prev: Installation via package el, Up: Overview
-1.2 Manual installation
-First, install ‘undo-tree’, ‘goto-chg’ and ‘cl-lib’. If you have an
-Emacs version of 24.3 or newer, you should already have ‘cl-lib’.
-Evil lives in a git repository. To download Evil, do:
- git clone --depth 1
-Then add the following lines to your Emacs init file:
- (add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/evil")
- (require 'evil)
- (evil-mode 1)
-Ensure that your replace ‘path/to/evil’ with the actual path to where
-you cloned Evil.
-File:, Node: Modes and states, Prev: Manual installation, Up: Overview
-1.3 Modes and states
-The next time Emacs is started, it will come up in `normal state',
-denoted by ‘<N>’ in the mode line. This is where the main vi bindings
-are defined. Note that you can always disable normal state with ‘C-z’,
-which switches to an “Emacs state” (denoted by ‘<E>’) in which vi keys
-are completely disabled. Press ‘C-z’ again to switch back to normal
- Evil uses the term `state' for what is called a “mode” in regular
- vi usage, because `modes' are understood in Emacs terms to mean
- something else.
-Evil defines a number of states by default:
-normal state (‘<N>’)
- This is the default “resting state” of Evil, in which the main body
- of vi bindings are defined.
-insert state (‘<I>’)
- This is the state for insertion of text, where non-modified keys
- will insert the corresponding character in the buffer.
-visual state (‘<V>’)
- A state for selecting text regions. Motions are available for
- modifying the selected region, and operators are available for
- acting on it.
-replace state (‘<R>’)
- A special state mostly similar to insert state, except it replaces
- text instead of inserting.
-operator-pending state (‘<O>’)
- A special state entered after launching an operator, but before
- specifying the corresponding motion or text object.
-motion state (‘<M>’)
- A special state useful for buffers that are read-only, where
- motions are available but editing operations are not.
-Emacs state (‘<E>’)
- A state that as closely as possible mimics default Emacs behaviour,
- by eliminating all vi bindings, except for ‘C-z’, to re-enter
- normal state.
-File:, Node: Settings, Next: Keymaps, Prev: Overview, Up: Top
-2 Settings
-Evil’s behaviour can be adjusted by setting some variables. The list of
-all available variables and their current values can be inspected by
- M-x customize-group RET evil RET
-To change the value of a variable, you can use this interface, or add a
-‘setq’ form to your Emacs init file, preferably before Evil is loaded.
- (setq evil-shift-width 0)
- ;; Load Evil
- (require 'evil)
-What follows is a non-exhaustive list of the most relevant customization
-* Menu:
-* The initial state::
-* Keybindings and other behaviour::
-* Search::
-* Indentation::
-* Cursor movement::
-* Cursor display::
-* Window management::
-* Parenthesis highlighting::
-* Miscellaneous::
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) (1) Strictly speaking, the order only matters if the variable
-affects the way Evil is loaded. This is the case with some variables.
-File:, Node: The initial state, Next: Keybindings and other behaviour, Up: Settings
-2.1 The initial state
-The initial state of a buffer is determined by its major mode. Evil
-maintains an association between major modes and their corresponding
-states, which is most easily modified using the function *note
-evil-set-initial-state: 2f.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-set-initial-state MODE STATE)
- Set the initial state for major mode `MODE' to `STATE'. This is the
- state the buffer comes up in.
-If no state can be found, Evil uses the default initial state.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-default-state
- The default Evil state. This is the state a buffer starts in when
- it is not otherwise configured (see *note evil-set-initial-state:
- 2f. and *note evil-buffer-regexps: 5.). The value may be one of
- ‘normal’, ‘insert’, ‘visual’, ‘replace’, ‘operator’, ‘motion’ and
- ‘emacs’.
- Default: ‘normal’
-Alternatively, it is possible to select the initial state based on the
-buffer `name' rather than its major mode. This is checked first, so it
-takes precedence over the other methods for setting the state.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-buffer-regexps
- Regular expressions determining the initial state for a buffer.
- Entries have the form ‘(REGEXP . STATE)’, where `REGEXP' is a
- regular expression matching the buffer’s name and `STATE' is one of
- ‘normal’, ‘insert’, ‘visual’, ‘replace’, ‘operator’, ‘motion’,
- ‘emacs’ and ‘nil’. If `STATE' is ‘nil’, Evil is disabled in the
- buffer.
- Default: ‘(("^ \\*load\\*"))’
-File:, Node: Keybindings and other behaviour, Next: Search, Prev: The initial state, Up: Settings
-2.2 Keybindings and other behaviour
-Evil comes with a rich system for modifying its key bindings *note
-Keymaps: 4b. For the most common tweaks, the following variables are
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-toggle-key
- The key used to change to and from Emacs state. Must be readable
- by ‘read-kbd-macro’. For example: “C-z”.
- Default: ‘"C-z"’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-C-i-jump
- Whether ‘C-i’ jumps forward in the jump list (like Vim).
- Otherwise, ‘C-i’ inserts a tab character.
- Default: ‘t’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-C-u-delete
- Whether ‘C-u’ deletes back to indentation in insert state.
- Otherwise, ‘C-u’ applies a prefix argument. The binding of ‘C-u’
- mirrors Emacs behaviour by default due to the relative ubiquity of
- prefix arguments.
- Default: ‘nil’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-C-u-scroll
- Whether ‘C-u’ scrolls up (like Vim). Otherwise, ‘C-u’ applies a
- prefix argument. The binding of ‘C-u’ mirrors Emacs behaviour by
- default due to the relative ubiquity of prefix arguments.
- Default: ‘nil’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-C-d-scroll
- Whether ‘C-d’ scrolls down (like Vim).
- Default: ‘t’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-C-w-delete
- Whether ‘C-w’ deletes a word in Insert state.
- Default: ‘t’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-C-w-in-emacs-state
- Whether ‘C-w’ prefixes windows commands in Emacs state.
- Default: ‘nil’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-Y-yank-to-eol
- Whether ‘Y’ yanks to the end of the line. The default behavior is
- to yank the whole line, like Vim.
- Default: ‘nil’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-disable-insert-state-bindings
- Whether insert state bindings should be used. Bindings for escape,
- delete and *note evil-toggle-key: 35. are always available. If
- this is non-nil, default Emacs bindings are by and large accessible
- in insert state.
- Default: ‘nil’
-File:, Node: Search, Next: Indentation, Prev: Keybindings and other behaviour, Up: Settings
-2.3 Search
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-regexp-search
- Whether to use regular expressions for searching in ‘/’ and ‘?’.
- Default: ‘t’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-search-wrap
- Whether search with ‘/’ and ‘?’ wraps around the buffer. If this
- is non-nil, search stops at the buffer boundaries.
- Default: ‘t’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-flash-delay
- Time in seconds to flash search matches after ‘n’ and ‘N’.
- Default: ‘2’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-ex-hl-update-delay
- Time in seconds of idle before updating search highlighting.
- Setting this to a period shorter than that of keyboard’s repeat
- rate allows highlights to update while scrolling.
- Default: ‘0.02’
-File:, Node: Indentation, Next: Cursor movement, Prev: Search, Up: Settings
-2.4 Indentation
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-auto-indent
- Whether to auto-indent when opening lines with ‘o’ and ‘O’.
- Default: ‘t’, buffer-local
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-shift-width
- The number of columns by which a line is shifted. This applies to
- the shifting operators ‘>’ and ‘<’.
- Default: ‘4’, buffer-local
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-shift-round
- Whether shifting rounds to the nearest multiple. If non-nil, ‘>’
- and ‘<’ adjust line indentation to the nearest multiple of *note
- evil-shift-width: 32.
- Default: ‘t’, buffer-local
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-indent-convert-tabs
- If non-nil, the ‘=’ operator converts between leading tabs and
- spaces. Whether tabs are converted to spaces or vice versa depends
- on the value of ‘indent-tabs-mode’.
- Default: ‘t’
-File:, Node: Cursor movement, Next: Cursor display, Prev: Indentation, Up: Settings
-2.5 Cursor movement
-In standard Emacs terms, the cursor is generally understood to be
-located between two characters. In Vim, and therefore also Evil, this
-is the case in insert state, but in other states the cursor is
-understood to be `on' a character, and that this character is not a
-Forcing this behaviour in Emacs is the source of some potentially
-surprising results (especially for traditional Emacs users—users used to
-Vim may find the default behavior to their satisfaction). Many of them
-can be tweaked using the following variables.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-repeat-move-cursor
- Whether repeating commands with ‘.’ may move the cursor. If nil,
- the original cursor position is preserved, even if the command
- normally would have moved the cursor.
- Default: ‘t’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-move-cursor-back
- Whether the cursor is moved backwards when exiting insert state.
- If non-nil, the cursor moves “backwards” when exiting insert state,
- so that it ends up on the character to the left. Otherwise it
- remains in place, on the character to the right.
- Default: ‘t’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-move-beyond-eol
- Whether the cursor can move past the end of the line. If non-nil,
- the cursor is allowed to move one character past the end of the
- line, as in Emacs.
- Default: ‘nil’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-cross-lines
- Whether horizontal motions may move to other lines. If non-nil,
- certain motions that conventionally operate in a single line may
- move the cursor to other lines. Otherwise, they are restricted to
- the current line. This applies to ‘h’, ‘SPC’, ‘f’, ‘F’, ‘t’, ‘T’,
- ‘~’.
- Default: ‘nil’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-respect-visual-line-mode
- Whether movement commands respect ‘visual-line-mode’. If non-nil,
- ‘visual-line-mode’ is generally respected when it is on. In this
- case, motions such as ‘j’ and ‘k’ navigate by visual lines (on the
- screen) rather than “physical” lines (defined by newline
- characters). If nil, the setting of ‘visual-line-mode’ is ignored.
- This variable must be set before Evil is loaded.
- Default: ‘nil’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-track-eol
- Whether ‘$’ “sticks” the cursor to the end of the line. If
- non-nil, vertical motions after ‘$’ maintain the cursor at the end
- of the line, even if the target line is longer. This is analogous
- to ‘track-eol’, but respects Evil’s interpretation of end-of-line.
- Default: ‘t’
-File:, Node: Cursor display, Next: Window management, Prev: Cursor movement, Up: Settings
-2.6 Cursor display
-A state may change the appearance of the cursor. Use the variable *note
-evil-default-cursor: c. to set the default cursor, and the variables
-‘evil-normal-state-cursor’, ‘evil-insert-state-cursor’ etc. to set the
-cursors for specific states. The acceptable values for all of them are
-the same.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-default-cursor
- The default cursor. May be a cursor type as per ‘cursor-type’, a
- color string as passed to ‘set-cursor-color’, a zero-argument
- function for changing the cursor, or a list of the above.
- Default: ‘t’
-File:, Node: Window management, Next: Parenthesis highlighting, Prev: Cursor display, Up: Settings
-2.7 Window management
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-auto-balance-windows
- If non-nil window creation and deletion trigger rebalancing.
- Default: ‘t’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-split-window-below
- If non-nil split windows are created below.
- Default: ‘nil’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-vsplit-window-right
- If non-nil vertically split windows with are created to the right.
- Default: ‘nil’
-File:, Node: Parenthesis highlighting, Next: Miscellaneous, Prev: Window management, Up: Settings
-2.8 Parenthesis highlighting
-These settings concern the integration between Evil and
-‘show-paren-mode’. They take no effect if this mode is not enabled.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-show-paren-range
- The minimal distance between point and a parenthesis which causes
- the parenthesis to be highlighted.
- Default: ‘0’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable:
- evil-highlight-closing-paren-at-point-states
- The states in which the closing parenthesis at point should be
- highlighted. All states listed here highlight the closing
- parenthesis at point (which is Vim’s default behavior). All others
- highlight the parenthesis before point (which is Emacs default
- behavior). If this list contains the symbol ‘not’ then its meaning
- is inverted, i.e. all states listed here highlight the closing
- parenthesis before point.
- Default: ‘(not emacs insert replace)’
-File:, Node: Miscellaneous, Prev: Parenthesis highlighting, Up: Settings
-2.9 Miscellaneous
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-want-fine-undo
- Whether actions are undone in several steps. There are two
- possible choices: nil (“no”) means that all changes made during
- insert state, including a possible delete after a change operation,
- are collected in a single undo step. Non-nil (“yes”) means that
- undo steps are determined according to Emacs heuristics, and no
- attempt is made to aggregate changes.
- For backward compatibility purposes, the value ‘fine’ is
- interpreted as ‘nil’. This option was removed because it did not
- work consistently.
- Default: ‘nil’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-backspace-join-lines
- Whether backward delete in insert state may join lines.
- Default: ‘t’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-kbd-macro-suppress-motion-error
- Whether left/right motions signal errors in keyboard macros. This
- variable only affects beginning-of-line or end-of-line errors
- regarding the motions ‘h’ and ‘SPC’ respectively. This may be
- desired since such errors cause macro definition or execution to be
- terminated. There are four possibilities:
- - ‘record’: errors are suppressed when recording macros, but not
- when replaying them.
- - ‘replay’: errors are suppressed when replaying macros, but not
- when recording them.
- - ‘t’: errors are suppressed in both cases.
- - ‘nil’: errors are never suppressed.
- Default: ‘nil’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-mode-line-format
- The position of the state tag in the mode line. If set to ‘before’
- or ‘after’, the tag is placed at the beginning or the end of the
- mode-line, respectively. If nil, there is no tag. Otherwise it
- should be a cons cell ‘(WHERE . WHICH)’, where `WHERE' is either
- ‘before’ or ‘after’, and `WHICH' is a symbol in ‘mode-line-format’.
- The tag is then placed before or after that symbol, respectively.
- Default: ‘before’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-mouse-word
- The `thing-at-point' symbol for double click selection. The
- double-click starts visual state in a special word selection mode.
- This symbol is used to determine the words to be selected.
- Possible values are ‘evil-word’ or ‘evil-WORD’.
- Default: ‘evil-word’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-bigword
- The set of characters to be interpreted as WORD boundaries. This
- is enclosed with square brackets and used as a regular expression.
- By default, whitespace characters are considered WORD boundaries.
- Default: ‘"^ \t\r\n"’, buffer-local
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-esc-delay
- The time, in seconds, to wait for another key after escape. If no
- further event arrives during this time, the event is translated to
- ‘ESC’. Otherwise, it is translated according to
- ‘input-decode-map’. This does not apply in Emacs state, and may
- also be inhibited by setting ‘evil-inhibit-esc’.
- Default: ‘0.01’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-intercept-esc
- Whether Evil should intercept the escape key. In the terminal,
- escape and a meta key sequence both generate the same event. In
- order to distingush these, Evil uses ‘input-decode-map’. It is not
- necessary to do this in a graphical Emacs session. However, if you
- prefer to use ‘C-[’ as escape (which is identical to the terminal
- escape key code), this interception must also happen in graphical
- Emacs sessions. Set this variable to ‘always’, t (only in the
- terminal) or nil (never intercept).
- Default: ‘always’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-kill-on-visual-paste
- Whether pasting in visual state adds the replaced text to the kill
- ring, making it the default for the next paste. The default,
- replicates the default Vim behavior.
- Default: ‘t’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-echo-state
- Whether to signal the current state in the echo area.
- Default: ‘t’
- -- Emacs Lisp Autovariable: evil-complete-all-buffers
- Whether completion looks for matches in all buffers. This applies
- to ‘C-n’ and ‘C-p’ in insert state.
- Default: ‘t’
-File:, Node: Keymaps, Next: Hooks, Prev: Settings, Up: Top
-3 Keymaps
-Evil’s key bindings are stored in a number of different keymaps. Each
-state has a `global keymap', where the default bindings for that state
-are stored. They are named ‘evil-normal-state-map’,
-‘evil-insert-state-map’, and so on. The bindings in these maps are
-visible in all buffers currently in the corresponding state.
-These keymaps function like ordinary Emacs keymaps and may be modified
-using the Emacs function ‘define-key’:
- (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "w") 'some-function)
-This binds the key ‘w’ to the command ‘some-function’ in normal state.
-The use of ‘kbd’ is optional for simple key sequences, like this one,
-but recommended in general.
-Most of Evil’s bindings are defined in the file ‘evil-maps.el’.
-To facilitate shared keybindings between states, some states may
-activate keybindings from other states as well. For example, motion
-state bindings are visible in normal and visual state, and normal state
-bindings are also visible in visual state.
-Each state also has a `buffer-local keymap' which is specific to the
-current buffer, and which takes precedence over the global keymap.
-These maps are most suitably modified by a mode hook. They are named
-‘evil-normal-state-local-map’, ‘evil-insert-state-local-map’, and so on.
- (add-hook 'some-mode-hook
- (lambda ()
- (define-key evil-normal-state-local-map
- (kbd "w") 'some-function)))
-For convenience, the functions *note evil-global-set-key: 1c. and *note
-evil-local-set-key: 22. are available for setting global and local state
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-global-set-key STATE KEY DEF)
- Bind `KEY' to `DEF' in `STATE'.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-local-set-key STATE KEY DEF)
- Bind `KEY' to `DEF' in `STATE' in the current buffer.
-The above examples could therefore have been written as follows:
- (evil-global-set-key 'normal (kbd "w") 'some-function)
- (add-hook 'some-mode-hook
- (lambda ()
- (evil-local-set-key 'normal (kbd "w") 'some-function)))
-* Menu:
-* evil-define-key::
-* Leader keys::
-File:, Node: evil-define-key, Next: Leader keys, Up: Keymaps
-3.1 evil-define-key
-Evil provides the macro *note evil-define-key: f. for adding state
-bindings to ordinary keymaps. It is quite powerful, and is the
-preferred method for fine-tuning bindings to activate in specific
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-define-key STATE KEYMAP KEY DEF
- [BINDINGS...])
- Create a `STATE' binding from `KEY' to `DEF' for `KEYMAP'. `STATE'
- is one of ‘normal’, ‘insert’, ‘visual’, ‘replace’, ‘operator’,
- ‘motion’, ‘emacs’, or a list of one or more of these. Omitting a
- state by using ‘nil’ corresponds to a standard Emacs binding using
- ‘define-key’. The remaining arguments are like those of
- ‘define-key’. For example:
- (evil-define-key 'normal foo-map "a" 'bar)
- This creates a binding from ‘a’ to ‘bar’ in normal state, which is
- active whenever ‘foo-map’ is active. Using nil for the state, the
- following lead to identical bindings:
- (evil-define-key nil foo-map "a" 'bar)
- (define-key foo-map "a" 'bar)
- It is possible to specify multiple states and/or bindings at once:
- (evil-define-key '(normal visual) foo-map
- "a" 'bar
- "b" 'foo)
- If ‘foo-map’ has not been initialized yet, this macro adds an entry
- to ‘after-load-functions’, delaying execution as necessary.
- `KEYMAP' may also be a quoted symbol. If the symbol is ‘global’,
- the global evil keymap corresponding to the state(s) is used,
- meaning the following lead to identical bindings:
- (evil-define-key 'normal 'global "a" 'bar)
- (evil-global-set-key 'normal "a" 'bar)
- The symbol ‘local’ may also be used, which corresponds to using
- *note evil-local-set-key: 22. If a quoted symbol is used that is
- not ‘global’ or ‘local’, it is assumed to be the name of a minor
- mode, in which case ‘evil-define-minor-mode-key’ is used.
-There follows a brief overview of the main functions of this macro.
- - Define a binding in a given state
- (evil-define-key 'state 'global (kbd "key") 'target)
- - Define a binding in a given state in the current buffer
- (evil-define-key 'state 'local (kbd "key") 'target)
- - Define a binding in a given state under the `foo-mode' major mode.
- (evil-define-key 'state foo-mode-map (kbd "key") 'target)
- Note that ‘foo-mode-map’ is unquoted, and that this form is safe
- before ‘foo-mode-map’ is loaded.
- - Define a binding in a given state under the `bar-mode' minor mode.
- (evil-define-key 'state 'bar-mode (kbd "key") 'target)
- Note that ‘bar-mode’ is quoted, and that this form is safe before
- ‘bar-mode’ is loaded.
-The macro *note evil-define-key: f. can be used to augment existing
-modes with state bindings, as well as creating packages with custom
-bindings. For example, the following will create a minor mode
-‘foo-mode’ with normal state bindings for the keys ‘w’ and ‘e’:
- (define-minor-mode foo-mode
- "Foo mode."
- :keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
- (evil-define-key 'normal 'foo-mode "w" 'bar)
- (evil-define-key 'normal 'foo-mode "e" 'baz)
-This minor mode can then be enabled in any buffers where the custom
-bindings are desired:
- (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'foo-mode) ; enable alongside text-mode
-File:, Node: Leader keys, Prev: evil-define-key, Up: Keymaps
-3.2 Leader keys
-Evil supports a simple implementation of Vim’s `leader' keys. To bind a
-function to a leader key you can use the expression ‘<leader>’ in a key
-mapping, e.g.
- (evil-define-key 'normal 'global (kbd "<leader>fs") 'save-buffer)
-Likewise, you can use the expression ‘<localleader>’ to mimic Vim’s
-local leader, which is designed for mode-specific key bindings.
-You can use the function *note evil-set-leader: 30. to designate which
-key acts as the leader and the local leader.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-set-leader STATE KEY [LOCALLEADER])
- Set `KEY' to trigger leader bindings in `STATE'. `KEY' should be in
- the form produced by ‘kbd’. `STATE' is one of ‘normal’, ‘insert’,
- ‘visual’, ‘replace’, ‘operator’, ‘motion’, ‘emacs’, a list of one
- or more of these, or ‘nil’, which means all of the above. If
- `LOCALLEADER' is non-nil, set the local leader instead.
-File:, Node: Hooks, Next: Extension, Prev: Keymaps, Up: Top
-4 Hooks
-A `hook' is a list of functions that are executed when certain events
-happen. Hooks are modified with the Emacs function ‘add-hook’. Evil
-provides entry and exit hooks for all its states. For example, when
-switching from normal state to insert state, all functions in
-‘evil-normal-state-exit-hook’ and ‘evil-insert-state-entry-hook’ are
-It is guaranteed that the exit hook will be executed before the entry
-hook on all state switches.
-During the hook execution, the variables ‘evil-next-state’ and
-‘evil-previous-state’ contain information about the states being
-switched to and from, respectively.
-File:, Node: Extension, Next: Frequently Asked Questions, Prev: Hooks, Up: Top
-5 Extension
-The main functionality of Evil is implemented in terms of reusable
-macros. Package writers can use these to define new commands.
-* Menu:
-* Motions::
-* Operators::
-* Text objects::
-* Range types::
-* States::
-File:, Node: Motions, Next: Operators, Up: Extension
-5.1 Motions
-A `motion' is a command which moves the cursor, such as ‘w’ or ‘e’.
-Motions are defined with the macro *note evil-define-motion: 10.
-Motions not defined in this way should be declared with *note
-evil-declare-motion: 9.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-declare-motion COMMAND)
- Declare `COMMAND' to be a movement function. This ensures that it
- behaves correctly in visual state.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-define-motion MOTION (COUNT ARGS...)
- DOC [[KEY VALUE]...] BODY...)
- Define a motion command `MOTION'. `ARGS' is a list of arguments.
- Motions can have any number of arguments, but the first (if any)
- has the predefined meaning of count. `BODY' must execute the
- motion by moving point.
- Optional keyword arguments are:
- - ‘:type’ - determines how the motion works after an operator
- (one of ‘inclusive’, ‘line’, ‘block’ and ‘exclusive’, or a
- self-defined motion type)
- - ‘:jump’ - if non-nil, the previous position is stored in the
- jump list, so that it can be restored with ‘C-o’
-For example, this is a motion that moves the cursor forward by a number
-of characters:
- (evil-define-motion foo-forward (count)
- "Move to the right by COUNT characters."
- :type inclusive
- (forward-char (or count 1)))
-The `type' of a motion determines how it works when used together with
-an operator. Inclusive motions include the endpoint in the range being
-operated on, while exclusive motions do not. Line motions extend the
-whole range to linewise positions, effectively behaving as if the
-endpoint were really at the end of the line. Blockwise ranges behave as
-a “rectangle” on screen rather than a contiguous range of characters.
-File:, Node: Operators, Next: Text objects, Prev: Motions, Up: Extension
-5.2 Operators
-An operator is a command that acts on the text moved over by a motion,
-such as ‘c’ (change), ‘d’ (delete) or ‘y’ (yank or copy, not to be
-confused with “yank” in Emacs terminology which means `paste').
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-define-operator OPERATOR (BEG END
- ARGS...) DOC [[KEY VALUE]...] BODY...)
- Define an operator command `OPERATOR'. The operator acts on the
- range of characters `BEG' through `END'. `BODY' must execute the
- operator by potentially manipulating the buffer contents, or
- otherwise causing side effects to happen.
- Optional keyword arguments are:
- - ‘:type’ - force the input range to be of a given type
- (‘inclusive’, ‘line’, ‘block’, and ‘exclusive’, or a
- self-defined motion type).
- - ‘:motion’ - use a predetermined motion instead of waiting for
- one from the keyboard. This does not affect the behavior in
- visual state, where selection boundaries are always used.
- - ‘:repeat’ - if non-nil (default), then ‘.’ will repeat the
- operator.
- - ‘:move-point’ - if non-nil (default), the cursor will be moved
- to the beginning of the range before the body executes
- - ‘:keep-visual’ - if non-nil, the selection is not disabled
- when the operator is executed in visual state. By default,
- visual state is exited automatically.
-For example, this is an operator that performs ROT13 encryption on the
-text under consideration:
- (evil-define-operator evil-rot13 (beg end)
- "ROT13 encrypt text."
- (rot13-region beg end))
-Binding this to ‘g?’ (where it is by default) will cause a key sequence
-such as ‘g?w’ to encrypt from the current cursor to the end of the word.
-File:, Node: Text objects, Next: Range types, Prev: Operators, Up: Extension
-5.3 Text objects
-Text objects are like motions in that they define a range over which an
-operator may act. Unlike motions, text objects can set both a beginning
-and an endpoint. In visual state, text objects alter both ends of the
-Text objects are not directly usable in normal state. Instead, they are
-bound in the two keymaps ‘evil-inner-text-ojects-map’ and
-‘evil-outer-text-objects-map’, which are available in visual and
-operator-pending state under the keys ‘i’ and ‘a’ respectively.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-define-text-object OBJECT (COUNT) DOC
- [[KEY VALUE]...] BODY...)
- Define a text object command `OBJECT'. `BODY' should return a range
- ‘(BEG END)’ to the right of point if `COUNT' is positive, and to
- the left of it if negative.
- Optional keyword arguments:
- - ‘:type’ - determines how the range applies after an operator
- (‘inclusive’, ‘line’, ‘block’, and ‘exclusive’, or a
- self-defined motion type).
- - ‘:extend-selection’ - if non-nil (default), the text object
- always enlarges the current selection. Otherwise, it replaces
- the current selection.
-For eample, this is a text object which selects the next three
-characters after the current location:
- (evil-define-text-object foo (count)
- "Select three characters."
- (list (point) (+ 3 (point))))
-For convenience, Evil provides several functions returning a list of
-positions which can be used for defining text objects. All of them
-follow the convention that a positive `count' selects text after the
-current location, while negative `count' selects text before it.
- Note: The `thingatpt' library is used quite extensively in Evil to
- define text objects, and this dependency leaks through in the
- following functions. A `thing' in this context is any symbol for
- which there is a function called ‘forward-THING’ (1) which moves
- past a number of `things'.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-select-inner-object THING BEG END
- Return an inner text object range of `COUNT' objects. If `COUNT'
- is positive, return objects following point; if `COUNT' is
- negative, return objects preceding point. If one is unspecified,
- the other is used with a negative argument. `THING' is a symbol
- understood by `thing-at-point'. `BEG', `END' and `TYPE' specify
- the current selection. If `LINE' is non-nil, the text object
- should be linewise, otherwise it is character wise.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-select-an-object THING BEG END TYPE
- Return an outer text object range of `COUNT' objects. If `COUNT'
- is positive, return objects following point; if `COUNT' is
- negative, return objects preceding point. If one is unspecified,
- the other is used with a negative argument. `THING' is a symbol
- understood by `thing-at-point'. `BEG', `END' and `TYPE' specify
- the current selection. If `LINE' is non-nil, the text object
- should be linewise, otherwise it is character wise.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-select-paren OPEN CLOSE BEG END TYPE
- Return a range ‘(BEG END)’ of `COUNT' delimited text objects.
- `OPEN' and `CLOSE' specify the opening and closing delimiter,
- respectively. `BEG' `END' `TYPE' are the currently selected
- (visual) range. If `INCLUSIVE' is non-nil, `OPEN' and `CLOSE' are
- included in the range; otherwise they are excluded.
- The types of `OPEN' and `CLOSE' specify which kind of THING is used
- for parsing with ‘evil-select-block’. If `OPEN' and `CLOSE' are
- characters ‘evil-up-paren’ is used. Otherwise `OPEN' and `CLOSE'
- must be regular expressions and ‘evil-up-block’ is used.
- If the selection is exclusive, whitespace at the end or at the
- beginning of the selection until the end-of-line or
- beginning-of-line is ignored.
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) (1) There are many more ways that a `thing' can be defined, but
-the definition of ‘forward-THING’ is perhaps the most straightforward
-way to go about it.
-File:, Node: Range types, Next: States, Prev: Text objects, Up: Extension
-5.4 Range types
-A `type' is a transformation acting on a pair of buffer positions. Evil
-defines the types ‘inclusive’, ‘line’, ‘block’ and ‘exclusive’, which
-are used for motion ranges and visual selection. New types may be
-defined with the macro `evil-define-type'.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-define-type TYPE DOC [[KEY FUNC]...])
- Define type `TYPE'. `DOC' is a general description and shows up in
- all docstrings.
- Optional keyword arguments:
- - ‘:expand’ - expansion function. This function should accept
- two positions in the current buffer, BEG and END,and return a
- pair of expanded buffer positions.
- - ‘:contract’ - the opposite of ‘:expand’. Optional.
- - ‘:one-to-one’ - non-nil if expansion is one-to-one. This
- means that ‘:expand’ followed by ‘:contract’ always return the
- original range.
- - ‘:normalize’ - normalization function. This function should
- accept two unexpanded positions and adjust them before
- expansion. May be used to deal with buffer boundaries.
- - ‘:string’ - description function. Takes two buffer positions
- and returns a human-readable string. For example “2 lines”
- If further keywords and functions are specified, they are assumed
- to be transformations on buffer positions, like ‘:expand’ and
- ‘:contract’.
-File:, Node: States, Prev: Range types, Up: Extension
-5.5 States
-States are defined with the macro *note evil-define-state: 12, which
-takes care to define the necessary hooks, keymaps and variables, as well
-as a toggle function ‘evil-NAME-state’ and a predicate function
-‘evil-NAME-state-p’ for checking whether the state is active.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-define-state STATE DOC [[KEY VAL]...]
- BODY...)
- Define an Evil state `STATE'. `DOC' is a general description and
- shows up in all docstrings; the first line of the string should be
- the full name of the state.
- `BODY' is executed each time the state is enabled or disabled.
- Optional keyword arguments:
- - ‘:tag’ - the mode line indicator, e.g. “<T>”.
- - ‘:message’ - string shown in the echo area when the state is
- activated.
- - ‘:cursor’ - default cursor specification.
- - ‘:enable’ - list of other state keymaps to enable when in this
- state.
- - ‘:entry-hook’ - list of functions to run when entering this
- state.
- - ‘:exit-hook’ - list of functions to run when exiting this
- state.
- - ‘:suppress-keymap’ - if non-nil, effectively disables bindings
- to ‘self-insert-command’ by making ‘evil-suppress-map’ the
- parent of the global state keymap.
- The global keymap of this state will be ‘evil-test-state-map’, the
- local keymap will be ‘evil-test-state-local-map’, and so on.
-For example:
- (evil-define-state test
- "Test state."
- :tag " <T> "
- (message (if (evil-test-state-p)
- "Enabling test state."
- "Disabling test state.")))
-File:, Node: Frequently Asked Questions, Next: Internals, Prev: Extension, Up: Top
-6 Frequently Asked Questions
-* Menu:
-* Problems with the escape key in the terminal::
-* Underscore is not a word character::
-File:, Node: Problems with the escape key in the terminal, Next: Underscore is not a word character, Up: Frequently Asked Questions
-6.1 Problems with the escape key in the terminal
-A common problem when using Evil in terminal mode is a certain delay
-after pressing the escape key. Even more, when pressing the escape key
-followed quickly by another key the command is recognized as ‘M-<key>’
-instead of two separate keys: ‘ESC’ followed by ‘<key>’. In fact, it is
-perfectly valid to simulate ‘M-<key>’ by pressing ‘ESC <key>’ quickly
-(but see below).
-The reason for this is that in terminal mode a key sequence involving
-the meta key (or alt key) always generates a so called “escape
-sequence”, i.e. a sequence of two events sent to Emacs, the first being
-‘ESC’ and the second the key pressed simultaneously. The problem is
-that pressing the escape key itself also generates the ‘ESC’ event.
-Thus, if Emacs (and therefore Evil) receives an ‘ESC’ event there is no
-way to tell whether the escape key has been pressed (and no further
-event will arrive) or a ‘M-<key>’ combination has been pressed (and the
-‘<key>’ event will arrive soon). In order to distinguish both
-situations Evil does the following. After receiving an ‘ESC’ event Evil
-waits for a short time period (specified by the variable *note
-evil-esc-delay: 17. which defaults to 0.01 seconds) for another event.
-If no other event arrives Evil assumes that the plain escape key has
-been pressed, otherwise it assumes a ‘M-<key>’ combination has been
-pressed and combines the ‘ESC’ event with the second one. Because a
-‘M-<key>’ sequence usually generates both events in very quick
-succession, 0.01 seconds are usually enough and the delay is hardly
-noticeable by the user.
-If you use a terminal multiplexer like `tmux' or `screen' the situation
-may be worse. These multiplexers have exactly the same problem
-recognizing ‘M-<key>’ sequences and often introduce their own delay for
-the ‘ESC’ key. There is no way for Evil to influence this delay. In
-order to reduce it you must reconfigure your terminal multiplexer.
-Note that this problem should not arise when using Evil in graphical
-mode. The reason is that in this case the escape key itself generates a
-different command, namely ‘escape’ (a symbol) and hence Evil can
-distinguish whether the escape key or a ‘M-<key>’ combination has been
-pressed. But this also implies that pressing ‘ESC’ followed by <key>
-cannot be used to simulate ‘M-<key>’ in graphical mode!
-File:, Node: Underscore is not a word character, Prev: Problems with the escape key in the terminal, Up: Frequently Asked Questions
-6.2 Underscore is not a word character
-An underscore ‘_’ is a word character in Vim. This means that word
-motions like ‘w’ skip over underlines in a sequence of letters as if it
-was a letter itself. In contrast, in Evil the underscore is often a
-non-word character like operators, e.g. ‘+’.
-The reason is that Evil uses Emacs’ definition of a word and this
-definition does often not include the underscore. In Emacs word
-characters are determined by the syntax-class of the buffer. The
-syntax-class usually depends on the major-mode of this buffer. This has
-the advantage that the definition of a “word” may be adapted to the
-particular type of document being edited. Evil uses Emacs’ definition
-and does not simply use Vim’s definition in order to be consistent with
-other Emacs functions. For example, word characters are exactly those
-characters that are matched by the regular expression character class
-If you want the underscore to be recognised as word character, you can
-modify its entry in the syntax-table:
- (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w")
-This gives the underscore the ‘word’ syntax class. You can use a
-mode-hook to modify the syntax-table in all buffers of some mode, e.g.:
- (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
- (lambda () (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w")))
-This gives the underscore the word syntax-class in all C-like buffers.
-Alternatively, many find that motion by `symbols' is more convenient
-than motion by `words'. One way to make word motions operate as symbol
-motions is to alias the ‘evil-word’ `thing' (1) to the ‘evil-symbol’
- (defalias 'forward-evil-word 'forward-evil-symbol)
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) (1) Many of Evil’s text objects and motions are defined in terms
-of the `thingatpt' library, which in this case are defined entirely in
-terms of ‘forward-THING’ functions. Thus aliasing one to another should
-make all motions and text objects implemented in terms of that `thing'
-behave the same.
-File:, Node: Internals, Next: The GNU Free Documentation License, Prev: Frequently Asked Questions, Up: Top
-7 Internals
-* Menu:
-* Command properties::
-File:, Node: Command properties, Up: Internals
-7.1 Command properties
-Evil defines `command properties' to store information about commands
-(1), such as whether they should be repeated. A command property is a
-‘:keyword’ with an associated value, e.g. ‘:repeat nil’.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-add-command-properties COMMAND
- Add `PROPERTIES' to `COMMAND'. `PROPERTIES' should be a property
- list. To replace all properties at once, use *note
- evil-set-command-properties: 2e.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-set-command-properties COMMAND
- Replace all of `COMMAND'’s properties with `PROPERTIES'.
- `PROPERTIES' should be a property list. This erases all previous
- properties; to only add properties, use
- ‘evil-set-command-property’.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-get-command-properties COMMAND)
- Return all Evil properties of `COMMAND'. See also *note
- evil-get-command-property: 1b.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-get-command-property COMMAND PROPERTY
- Return the value of Evil `PROPERTY' of `COMMAND'. If the command
- does not have the property, return `DEFAULT'. See also *note
- evil-get-command-properties: 1a.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-define-command COMMAND (ARGS...) DOC
- [[KEY VALUE]...] BODY...)
- Define a command `COMMAND'.
-For setting repeat properties, use the following functions:
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-declare-repeat COMMAND)
- Declare `COMMAND' to be repeatable.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-declare-not-repeat COMMAND)
- Declare `COMMAND' to be nonrepeatable.
- -- Emacs Lisp Autofunction: (evil-declare-change-repeat COMMAND)
- Declare `COMMAND' to be repeatable by buffer changes rather than
- keystrokes.
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) (1) In this context, a `command' may mean any Evil motion, text
-object, operator or indeed other Emacs commands, which have not been
-defined through the Evil machinery.
-File:, Node: The GNU Free Documentation License, Next: Emacs lisp functions and variables, Prev: Internals, Up: Top
-8 The GNU Free Documentation License
-Version 1.3, 3 November 2008
- Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software
- Foundation, Inc. ‘’
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of
- this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
- functional and useful document `free' in the sense of freedom: to
- assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
- with or without modifying it, either commercially or
- noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the
- author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not
- being considered responsible for modifications made by others.
- This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative
- works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.
- It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
- license designed for free software.
- We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
- free software, because free software needs free documentation: a
- free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms
- that the software does. But this License is not limited to
- software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless
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- G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant
- Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document’s
- license notice.
- H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
- I. Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title,
- and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new
- authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the
- Title Page. If there is no section Entitled “History” in the
- Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and
- publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add
- an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the
- previous sentence.
- J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document
- for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and
- likewise the network locations given in the Document for
- previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the
- “History” section. You may omit a network location for a work
- that was published at least four years before the Document
- itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers
- to gives permission.
- K. For any section Entitled “Acknowledgements” or “Dedications”,
- Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section
- all the substance and tone of each of the contributor
- acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.
- L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered
- in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the
- equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
- M. Delete any section Entitled “Endorsements”. Such a section
- may not be included in the Modified Version.
- N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled
- “Endorsements” or to conflict in title with any Invariant
- Section.
- O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.
- If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
- appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no
- material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate
- some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their
- titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version’s
- license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other
- section titles.
- You may add a section Entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains
- nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
- parties—for example, statements of peer review or that the text has
- been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of
- a standard.
- You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text,
- and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of
- the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage
- of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or
- through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document
- already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added
- by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on
- behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old
- one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added
- the old one.
- The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this
- License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to
- assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.
- You may combine the Document with other documents released under
- this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for
- modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all
- of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents,
- unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your
- combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all
- their Warranty Disclaimers.
- The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
- multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
- copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name
- but different contents, make the title of each such section unique
- by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the
- original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a
- unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in
- the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the
- combined work.
- In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled
- “History” in the various original documents, forming one section
- Entitled “History”; likewise combine any sections Entitled
- “Acknowledgements”, and any sections Entitled “Dedications”. You
- must delete all sections Entitled “Endorsements.”
- You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
- documents released under this License, and replace the individual
- copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy
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- in all other respects.
- You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
- distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert
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- A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other
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- are not themselves derivative works of the Document.
- If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
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- of the entire aggregate, the Document’s Cover Texts may be placed
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- Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
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- translation of this License, and all the license notices in the
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- include the original English version of this License and the
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- If a section in the Document is Entitled “Acknowledgements”,
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- differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See
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- Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version
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- have the option of following the terms and conditions either of
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- “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site” (or “MMC Site”) means any
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- An MMC is “eligible for relicensing” if it is licensed under this
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- to November 1, 2008.
- The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the
- site under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1,
- 2009, provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.
-File:, Node: Emacs lisp functions and variables, Prev: The GNU Free Documentation License, Up: Top
-Emacs lisp functions and variables
-* Menu:
-* evil-add-command-properties: 0.
-* evil-auto-balance-windows: 1.
-* evil-auto-indent: 2.
-* evil-backspace-join-lines: 3.
-* evil-bigword: 4.
-* evil-buffer-regexps: 5.
-* evil-complete-all-buffers: 6.
-* evil-cross-lines: 7.
-* evil-declare-change-repeat: 8.
-* evil-declare-motion: 9.
-* evil-declare-not-repeat: a.
-* evil-declare-repeat: b.
-* evil-default-cursor: c.
-* evil-default-state: d.
-* evil-define-command: e.
-* evil-define-key: f.
-* evil-define-motion: 10.
-* evil-define-operator: 11.
-* evil-define-state: 12.
-* evil-define-text-object: 13.
-* evil-define-type: 14.
-* evil-disable-insert-state-bindings: 15.
-* evil-echo-state: 16.
-* evil-esc-delay: 17.
-* evil-ex-hl-update-delay: 18.
-* evil-flash-delay: 19.
-* evil-get-command-properties: 1a.
-* evil-get-command-property: 1b.
-* evil-global-set-key: 1c.
-* evil-highlight-closing-paren-at-point-states: 1d.
-* evil-indent-convert-tabs: 1e.
-* evil-intercept-esc: 1f.
-* evil-kbd-macro-suppress-motion-error: 20.
-* evil-kill-on-visual-paste: 21.
-* evil-local-set-key: 22.
-* evil-mode-line-format: 23.
-* evil-mouse-word: 24.
-* evil-move-beyond-eol: 25.
-* evil-move-cursor-back: 26.
-* evil-regexp-search: 27.
-* evil-repeat-move-cursor: 28.
-* evil-respect-visual-line-mode: 29.
-* evil-search-wrap: 2a.
-* evil-select-an-object: 2b.
-* evil-select-inner-object: 2c.
-* evil-select-paren: 2d.
-* evil-set-command-properties: 2e.
-* evil-set-initial-state: 2f.
-* evil-set-leader: 30.
-* evil-shift-round: 31.
-* evil-shift-width: 32.
-* evil-show-paren-range: 33.
-* evil-split-window-below: 34.
-* evil-toggle-key: 35.
-* evil-track-eol: 36.
-* evil-vsplit-window-right: 37.
-* evil-want-C-d-scroll: 38.
-* evil-want-C-i-jump: 39.
-* evil-want-C-u-delete: 3a.
-* evil-want-C-u-scroll: 3b.
-* evil-want-C-w-delete: 3c.
-* evil-want-C-w-in-emacs-state: 3d.
-* evil-want-fine-undo: 3e.
-* evil-want-Y-yank-to-eol: 3f.
-Tag Table:
-Node: Top364
-Ref: index doc611
-Ref: 40611
-Node: Overview1443
-Ref: overview doc1518
-Ref: 411518
-Ref: overview evil1518
-Ref: 421518
-Ref: overview overview1518
-Ref: 431518
-Ref: Overview-Footnote-11871
-Node: Installation via package el2123
-Ref: overview installation-via-package-el2221
-Ref: 442221
-Ref: Installation via package el-Footnote-12790
-Node: Manual installation2834
-Ref: overview manual-installation2957
-Ref: 452957
-Node: Modes and states3512
-Ref: overview modes-and-states3599
-Ref: 463599
-Node: Settings5350
-Ref: settings doc5429
-Ref: 475429
-Ref: settings settings5429
-Ref: 485429
-Ref: Settings-Footnote-16188
-Node: The initial state6329
-Ref: settings the-initial-state6429
-Ref: 496429
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-set-initial-state6704
-Ref: 2f6704
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-default-state6943
-Ref: d6943
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-buffer-regexps7554
-Ref: 57554
-Node: Keybindings and other behaviour8047
-Ref: settings keybindings-and-other-behaviour8162
-Ref: 4a8162
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-toggle-key8384
-Ref: 358384
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-C-i-jump8584
-Ref: 398584
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-C-u-delete8774
-Ref: 3a8774
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-C-u-scroll9093
-Ref: 3b9093
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-C-d-scroll9386
-Ref: 389386
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-C-w-delete9509
-Ref: 3c9509
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-C-w-in-emacs-state9639
-Ref: 3d9639
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-Y-yank-to-eol9789
-Ref: 3f9789
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-disable-insert-state-bindings9984
-Ref: 159984
-Node: Search10312
-Ref: settings search10421
-Ref: 4c10421
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-regexp-search10444
-Ref: 2710444
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-search-wrap10595
-Ref: 2a10595
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-flash-delay10801
-Ref: 1910801
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-ex-hl-update-delay10944
-Ref: 1810944
-Node: Indentation11217
-Ref: settings indentation11310
-Ref: 4d11310
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-auto-indent11343
-Ref: 211343
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-shift-width11501
-Ref: 3211501
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-shift-round11707
-Ref: 3111707
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-indent-convert-tabs11968
-Ref: 1e11968
-Node: Cursor movement12237
-Ref: settings cursor-movement12338
-Ref: 4e12338
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-repeat-move-cursor12917
-Ref: 2812917
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-move-cursor-back13181
-Ref: 2613181
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-move-beyond-eol13526
-Ref: 2513526
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-cross-lines13768
-Ref: 713768
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-respect-visual-line-mode14163
-Ref: 2914163
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-track-eol14678
-Ref: 3614678
-Node: Cursor display15046
-Ref: settings cursor-display15153
-Ref: 4f15153
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-default-cursor15497
-Ref: c15497
-Node: Window management15780
-Ref: settings window-management15896
-Ref: 5015896
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-auto-balance-windows15941
-Ref: 115941
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-split-window-below16087
-Ref: 3416087
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-vsplit-window-right16216
-Ref: 3716216
-Node: Parenthesis highlighting16369
-Ref: settings parenthesis-highlighting16484
-Ref: 5116484
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-show-paren-range16673
-Ref: 3316673
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-highlight-closing-paren-at-point-states16860
-Ref: 1d16860
-Node: Miscellaneous17446
-Ref: settings miscellaneous17535
-Ref: 5217535
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-want-fine-undo17572
-Ref: 3e17572
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-backspace-join-lines18211
-Ref: 318211
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-kbd-macro-suppress-motion-error18352
-Ref: 2018352
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-mode-line-format19107
-Ref: 2319107
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-mouse-word19639
-Ref: 2419639
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-bigword19980
-Ref: 419980
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-esc-delay20284
-Ref: 1720284
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-intercept-esc20690
-Ref: 1f20690
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-kill-on-visual-paste21316
-Ref: 2121316
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-echo-state21577
-Ref: 1621577
-Ref: settings elispobj-evil-complete-all-buffers21706
-Ref: 621706
-Node: Keymaps21907
-Ref: keymaps doc21983
-Ref: 5321983
-Ref: keymaps chapter-keymaps21983
-Ref: 4b21983
-Ref: keymaps keymaps21983
-Ref: 5421983
-Ref: keymaps elispobj-evil-global-set-key23635
-Ref: 1c23635
-Ref: keymaps elispobj-evil-local-set-key23739
-Ref: 2223739
-Node: evil-define-key24168
-Ref: keymaps evil-define-key24245
-Ref: 5524245
-Ref: keymaps elispobj-evil-define-key24499
-Ref: f24499
-Node: Leader keys27696
-Ref: keymaps leader-keys27773
-Ref: 5627773
-Ref: keymaps elispobj-evil-set-leader28300
-Ref: 3028300
-Node: Hooks28753
-Ref: hooks doc28830
-Ref: 5728830
-Ref: hooks hooks28830
-Ref: 5828830
-Node: Extension29482
-Ref: extension doc29578
-Ref: 5929578
-Ref: extension extension29578
-Ref: 5a29578
-Node: Motions29814
-Ref: extension motions29883
-Ref: 5b29883
-Ref: extension elispobj-evil-declare-motion30136
-Ref: 930136
-Ref: extension elispobj-evil-define-motion30309
-Ref: 1030309
-Node: Operators31700
-Ref: extension operators31790
-Ref: 5c31790
-Ref: extension elispobj-evil-define-operator32038
-Ref: 1132038
-Node: Text objects33643
-Ref: extension text-objects33737
-Ref: 5d33737
-Ref: extension elispobj-evil-define-text-object34277
-Ref: 1334277
-Ref: extension elispobj-evil-select-inner-object35781
-Ref: 2c35781
-Ref: extension elispobj-evil-select-an-object36351
-Ref: 2b36351
-Ref: extension elispobj-evil-select-paren36918
-Ref: 2d36918
-Ref: Text objects-Footnote-137840
-Node: Range types38006
-Ref: extension range-types38097
-Ref: 5e38097
-Ref: extension elispobj-evil-define-type38400
-Ref: 1438400
-Node: States39569
-Ref: extension states39639
-Ref: 5f39639
-Ref: extension elispobj-evil-define-state39939
-Ref: 1239939
-Node: Frequently Asked Questions41368
-Ref: faq doc41468
-Ref: 6041468
-Ref: faq frequently-asked-questions41468
-Ref: 6141468
-Node: Problems with the escape key in the terminal41625
-Ref: faq problems-with-the-escape-key-in-the-terminal41773
-Ref: 6241773
-Node: Underscore is not a word character44267
-Ref: faq underscore-is-not-a-word-character44415
-Ref: 6344415
-Ref: Underscore is not a word character-Footnote-146183
-Node: Internals46494
-Ref: internals doc46619
-Ref: 6446619
-Ref: internals internals46619
-Ref: 6546619
-Node: Command properties46677
-Ref: internals command-properties46739
-Ref: 6646739
-Ref: internals elispobj-evil-add-command-properties46994
-Ref: 046994
-Ref: internals elispobj-evil-set-command-properties47254
-Ref: 2e47254
-Ref: internals elispobj-evil-get-command-properties47567
-Ref: 1a47567
-Ref: internals elispobj-evil-get-command-property47733
-Ref: 1b47733
-Ref: internals elispobj-evil-define-command48003
-Ref: e48003
-Ref: internals elispobj-evil-declare-repeat48207
-Ref: b48207
-Ref: internals elispobj-evil-declare-not-repeat48309
-Ref: a48309
-Ref: internals elispobj-evil-declare-change-repeat48418
-Ref: 848418
-Ref: Command properties-Footnote-148609
-Node: The GNU Free Documentation License48786
-Ref: license doc48919
-Ref: 6748919
-Ref: license the-gnu-free-documentation-license48919
-Ref: 6848919
-Node: Emacs lisp functions and variables72727
-End Tag Table
-Local Variables:
-coding: utf-8
Copyright 2019--2024 Marius PETER