# -*- mode: org; -*- #+TITLE: Smart Documents #+AUTHOR: Marius Peter #+DATE: <2021-02-09 Tue> #+SETUPFILE: ~/.emacs.d/www/sd-setup.org #+INCLUDE: ./topbar.html export html # Extra styling for the home page #+HTML_HEAD: * Perfect documents every time. Focus on your content and let the editor work out the appearance, for flawless exports every time. Program your documents in your favorite language thanks to the power of [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/intro.html][Org Babel]]. * Collaboration done right. Collect collaborators' feedback and create new document versions through an efficient wizard. * Link it all together. Create links between files to keep track of dates, people, tags, and compile them into neatly filtered agendas---perfect for sharing a project status or roadmap! * A single authoritative document. Each document can be declined into a report, a presentation summarizing the document's outline, or a website page that can be added to your organization's internal wiki. * Program your documents. Unleash the power of /literate programming/ through Org mode. * Download You can download the current development snapshot on GitHub at [[https://github.com/Blendoit/.emacs.d]]. * Donate Support the development of this project at the following places: - Venmo :: =@Blendoit= - CashApp :: =$MariusPeter= - PayPal :: [[mailto:mariuspeter.blendux@gmail.com][mariuspeter.blendux@gmail.com]]