# -*- mode: org; -*- #+TITLE: Smart Documents #+AUTHOR: Marius Peter #+DATE: <2021-02-01 Mon> #+OPTIONS: toc:nil html-style:nil #+HTML_HEAD: Welcome to =Smart Documents!= #+NAME: title-page #+attr_html: :width 400px # [[file:title-page.png]] * Welcome to *Smart Documents*. ** Work with /plain text/. The only expectation from the user is to focus on the content, /plain text./ Program your documents in your favorite language thanks to the power of [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/intro.html][Org Babel]]. ** Collaboration done right. Collect collaborators' feedback and create new document versions through an efficient wizard. ** Link it all together. Create links between files to keep track of dates, people, tags, and compile them into neatly filtered agendas fit for sharing. * Killer Features ** A single authoritative document. Each document can be declined into a report, a presentation summarizing the document's outline, or a website page that can be added to your organization's internal wiki. ** ** Program your documents. Unleash the power of /literate programming/ through Org mode. * Download You can download the current development snapshot on GitHub at [[https://github.com/Blendoit/.emacs.d]]. * Donate Support the development of this project at the following places: - Venmo :: =@Blendoit= - CashApp :: =$MariusPeter= - PayPal :: [[mailto:mariuspeter.blendux@gmail.com][mariuspeter.blendux@gmail.com]]