# -*- mode: org; -*- #+TITLE: Smart Documents #+AUTHOR: Marius Peter #+DATE: <2021-02-09 Tue> #+EMAIL: smart-documents@tuta.io #+OPTIONS: toc:nil html-style:nil num:nil title:nil #+INCLUDE: page-header.html export html #+begin_export html

Emacs but accessible & beautiful.

Smart Documents is a document production system created to raise mainstream awareness of the Emacs software on which it is based.

Try it now!
#+end_export #+begin_export html
#+end_export # #+begin_alert-success # Finally online thank God :pray: # #+end_alert-success * Perfect documents every time. :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: perfect-document :END: Focus on your content and let the powerful export engine work out the appearance, for flawless results every time. * Maximum productivity. :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: easy-document :END: Collect feedback and create new document versions through an efficient wizard. * Everything linked together. :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: linked-document :END: Create links between files to keep track of dates, people, tags, and compile them into neatly filtered agendas---perfect for sharing a project status or roadmap! * COMMENT A single authoritative document. :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: single-document :END: #+NAME: pdf-icon #+ATTR_HTML: :height 100px #+ATTR_LATEX: :height 100px [[file:assets/images/PDF-icon.png]] #+NAME: powerpoint-icon #+ATTR_HTML: :height 100px #+ATTR_LATEX: :height 100px [[file:assets/images/PowerPoint-icon.png]] #+NAME: html-icon #+ATTR_HTML: :height 100px #+ATTR_LATEX: :height 100px [[file:assets/images/html-icon.png]] Each document can be declined into a report, a presentation summarizing the document's outline, or a website page that can be added to your wiki. * COMMENT Program your documents. :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: single-document :END: Program your documents in your favorite language. Python, C++, Go, Clojure, you name it---you can develop interactive features from within the document itself. * Download You can download the current development snapshot on GitHub. #+begin_export html Github #+end_export # #+begin_button # [[https://github.com/Blendoit/.emacs.d][Download]] # #+end_button * Support this project #+begin_export html Venmo #+end_export # #+begin_button # [[https://venmo.com/blendoit][Venmo]] # #+end_button * Contact For all inquiries, please send an e-mail to [[mailto:smart-documents@tuta.io][smart-documents@tuta.io]]. # Dirty! :P #+begin_export html