# -*- mode: org; -*- # # Document number and rev in top-right header #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \fancyhead[R]{\texttt{A220 Flow Diverter Test Draft 8}\\ \thedate} # Increase spacing between header rule and main text body #+LATEX: \rule[-16pt]{0pt}{16pt}\\ #+LATEX: \huge #+LATEX: \bgroup #+LATEX: \def\arraystretch{1.4} #+LATEX: \noindent #+ATTR_LATEX: :center nil | \textsc{Document} | =DVTP 38000-949-01 Draft 8= | | \textsc{Program} | Airbus A220 | | \textsc{Title} | \thetitle | | \textsc{System} | Water and Waste | | \textsc{Product} | Flow Diverter | | \textsc{ATA No} | =38= | | \textsc{ECCN} | =9E991= | #+LATEX: \vfill #+LATEX: \noindent #+LATEX: \large #+LATEX: \textbf{Original Signatures} #+LATEX: \vspace{1.0cm} #+LATEX: \noindent #+ATTR_LATEX: :center nil | *Prepared:* | \rule{8.0cm}{1pt} | *Date:* | \rule{4.0cm}{1pt} | | | Marius Peter, Systems Test Engineer | | | | | | | | | *Checked:* | \rule{8.0cm}{1pt} | *Date:* | \rule{4.0cm}{1pt} | | | Jeff Borlik, Senior Principal Engineer | | | | | | | | | *Approved:* | \rule{8.0cm}{1pt} | *Date:* | \rule{4.0cm}{1pt} | | | Deborah Osborne, Head of Design Authority | | | #+LATEX: \egroup #+LATEX: \normalsize #+LATEX: \clearpage #+LATEX: \tableofcontents #+LATEX: \listoffigures #+LATEX: \listoftables #+LATEX: \clearpage