#+TITLE: Marius Peter's GNU Emacs configuration files #+AUTHOR: Marius Peter * Installation Add the following, and only the following, to your =init.el= file: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (load "~//blendoit_emacs_init/init.el") #+END_SRC Where == is the path where you downloaded =blendoit_emacs_init=. This configuration file is located at =~/.emacs.d/init.el= by default for modern GNU Emacs versions. * Main Files ** =init.el= - Provides Xah Lee's function =xah-get-fullpath= which enables nesting our =load= calls. - By default, Emacs evaluates file paths relative to the directory where the first expression was evaluated, i.e. in =~/.emacs.d/=. - If we don't use Xah Lee's function, Emacs will run =~/.emacs.d/init.el= which in turn attempts to load my =init.el=, which then in turn loads my other configuration files. ** =init_emacs.el= - You may delete its content initially. - By default, all customization options available in Emacs' GUI that can be saved with `Options - Save Options' are saved here. - Useful to fool around with GUI customization options, without breaking our manually written code. ** =init_blendoit.el= - Load my personal configuration files. * Usage Each configuration file contains comments useful to understand each file's behaviour.