#+TITLE: GNU Emacs Configuration #+AUTHOR: Marius Peter #+DATE: <2020-10-13 Tue> #+SETUPFILE: ~/.emacs.d/templates/documents/default.org Website is now live at [[http://smart-documents.org/][smart-documents.org]]! * Installation ** GNU Emacs *** Linux Use your package manager. *** Windows Head on over to https://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/emacs/download.html and download yourself a /fresh/ copy of GNU Emacs. ** My distribution *** Linux Backup your current =~/.emacs.d= with the following command: #+BEGIN_SRC shell mv ~/.emacs.d ~/.emacs.d.bkp #+END_SRC Clone my configuration folder to your home directory: #+BEGIN_SRC shell cd ~ git clone https://github.com/Blendoit/.emacs.d.git #+END_SRC *** Windows Download a =.zip= of the files in this repository. Then, extract the =.zip=, and rename the extracted folder to =.emacs.d=. Place this folder in your home folder (one level up from =Documents=, =Pictures= or =Desktop=). * Main Files ** =init.el= This is the first editable file that GNU Emacs loads on startup. This file's only purpose is to load my literate configuration =blendoit/init-blendoit.org=. ** =init-custom.el= All customization options available in Emacs' GUI that can be saved with =Options - Save Options= are saved here. This is useful to fool around with GUI customization options, without breaking our manually written code. ** =blendoit/init-blendoit.org= This is my personal literate configuration file. * Usage Each configuration file is commented.