#+TITLE: Aircraft Studio #+AUTHOR: Marius Peter #+EMAIL: mpeter@ucla.edu This program enables the creation of NACA airfoils; the analysis of the airfoil's structural properties; the optimization via genetic algorithm of a population of airfoils; With the final objective of designing a lightweight FAR 23 compliant airfoil. I adapted it from my own code for the UCLA MAE 154B final project (Spring 2019). #+CAPTION: Program Flow Sequence #+NAME: fig:sequence-program [[./doc/sequence_program.png]] * Program Structure ** =creator.py= This module enables the creation of discrete aircraft components. ** =evaluator.py= ** =generator.py= The =generator= module contains classes describing aircrafts comprised of sufficient =creator= components that they can be fed to the =evaluator= for useful analysis. * Program Flow 1. Create an =evaluator= object 2. Populate the =evaluator= with aircrafts by either: 1. Using =generator= methods to create an aircraft from a template 2. Using =creator= to manually describe all aircraft components 3. Use =evaluator= methods to: 1. Calculate relevant aircraft properties 2. Set desired optimization parameter(s) 3. Execute the genetic algoritm and return an optimized aircraft