"""This example illustrates the usage of creator, evaluator and generator. All the steps of airfoil creation & evaluation are detailed here; however, the generator.py module contains certain presets (default airfoils). Create an airfoil; Evaluate an airfoil; Generate a population of airfoils & optimize. """ from tools import creator, evaluator, generator import time start_time = time.time() # Airfoil dimensions NACA_NUM = 2412 CHORD_LENGTH = 68 # inches SEMI_SPAN = 150 # inches # Thicknesses SPAR_THICKNESS = 0.4 SKIN_THICKNESS = 0.1 # Component masses AIRFOIL_MASS = 10 # lbs SPAR_MASS = 10 # lbs STRINGER_MASS = 5 # lbs # Area SPAR_CAP_AREA = 0.3 # sqin STRINGER_AREA = 0.1 # sqin # Amount of stringers TOP_STRINGERS = 6 BOTTOM_STRINGERS = 4 NOSE_TOP_STRINGERS = 3 NOSE_BOTTOM_STRINGERS = 5 SAVE_PATH = 'C:/Users/blend/github/UCLA_MAE_154B/save' # Create airfoil instance af = creator.Airfoil.from_dimensions(CHORD_LENGTH, SEMI_SPAN) af.add_naca(NACA_NUM) af.add_mass(AIRFOIL_MASS) af.info_print(2) af.info_save(SAVE_PATH, 'foo_name') # Create spar instance af.spar = creator.Spar() # All spar coordinates are stored in single Spar object af.spar.add_coord(af, 0.23) af.spar.add_coord(af, 0.57) # Automatically adds spar caps for each spar previously defined af.spar.add_spar_caps(SPAR_CAP_AREA) af.spar.add_mass(SPAR_MASS) af.spar.add_webs(SPAR_THICKNESS) af.spar.info_print(2) af.spar.info_save(SAVE_PATH, 'foo_name') # Create stringer instance af.stringer = creator.Stringer() # Compute the stringer coordinates from their quantity in each zone af.stringer.add_coord(af, NOSE_TOP_STRINGERS, TOP_STRINGERS, NOSE_BOTTOM_STRINGERS, BOTTOM_STRINGERS) af.stringer.add_area(STRINGER_AREA) af.stringer.add_mass(STRINGER_MASS) af.stringer.add_webs(SKIN_THICKNESS) af.stringer.info_print(2) af.stringer.info_save(SAVE_PATH, 'foo_name') # Plot components with matplotlib creator.plot_geom(af, True) # Evaluator object contains airfoil analysis results. eval = evaluator.Evaluator(af) # The analysis is performed in the evaluator.py module. eval.analysis(1, 1) eval.info_print(2) eval.info_save(SAVE_PATH, 'foo_name') # evaluator.plot_geom(eval) evaluator.plot_lift(eval) pop = generator.Population(10) print(help(creator)) print(help(evaluator)) print(help(generator)) # Print final execution time print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))